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FamiTracker Effects Commands View Raw Firki


  1. Effects Reference
  2. Further Notes
FamiTracker's effects commands are mostly based on those found in FastTracker II. FamiTracker's effects columns are expandable and collapsible so each channel can use more than one effect at a time. This can be helpful if you are an audio micro-managing freak! :D

Effects Reference

0xy - Arpeggio aka arps; fast note shifting in half steps.
x = Number of half steps for first shift
y = Number of half steps for second shift

Ex: 037 = Minor chord. 047 = Major chord.
View article on arps for more examples.

1xx - Portamento up; smooth pitch glide up.
If xx > 00 = Speed
If xx = 00 = Off

2xx - Portamento down; smooth pitch glide down.
If xx > 00 = Speed
If xx = 00 = Off

3xx - Glissando; pitch glide to next note.
If xx > 00 = Speed
If xx = 00 = Off

4xy - Vibrato; pitch vibration.
If x > 0 = Speed
If x = 0 = Off
y = Depth

7xy - Tremolo; volume tremor.
If x > 0 = Speed
If x = 0 = Off
y = Depth

Bxx - Jump to frame xx.
xx = Hexadecimal frame value

Cxx - Halt; end song.
xx = Null

Dxx - Skip to next frame and start at xx.
xx = Hexadecimal frame value

Exx - Set Volume; DEPRECATED. Please use Volume column.
If x = 00-15 = Volume value

Fxx - Set Speed/Tempo.
If 0 < xx < 20 = Speed value
If 20 < xx < FF = Tempo value

Gxx - Note delay.
xx = Value of rows to delay note

Hxy - Trigger hardware note sweep up.
If x = 0-7 = Duration
If y = 0-7 = Shift
This feature is only avaliable for the Square channels.

Ixy - Trigger hardware note sweep down.
If x = 0-7 = Duration
If y = 0-7 = Shift
This feature is only avaliable for the Square channels.

Pxx - Fine pitch setting.
If xx = 80 = Default
If xx > 80 = Increase pitch
If xx < 80 = Decrease pitch

Vxx - Set Duty Cycling.
00 = 12.5% Duty
01 = 25% Duty
02 = 50% Duty
03 = 75% Duty
This feature is only available for Square and Noise channels.

Yxx - Start Sample Offset; DPCM skipping.
xx = 64 bytes per step

currently using a value of xx higher than length of sample results in a weird sample looping in the tracker but comes out only a loud weird glitch upon NSF export

DMC Sampling rate(0-F) (Default:F 33.14KHz)
0: 4.18KHz 1: 4.71KHz 2: 5.26KHz 3: 5.59KHz
4: 6.26KHz 5: 7.05KHz 6: 7.92KHz 7: 8.36KHz
8: 9.42KHz 9:11.18KHz A:12.60KHz B:13.98KHz
C:16.88KHz D:21.30KHz E:24.86KHz F:33.14KHz

Zxx - Set the DPCM's delta counter; effects volume of triangle, noise, and DPCM.
If 0 < xx < 80 = Volume change
Note: Using Zxx in big intervals -- Z79 and then Z01 -- causes a 'clicking' sound.
Also, the click volume can be manipulated with lower intervals and lower values. Clicks can be used as a form of precussion.

Further Notes

Exx will not work if an instrument volume effect loop is used.

1xx will not work if an instrument frequency effect loop is used. (Pitch, Hi-pitch and Arpeggio.)

If effects commands seem different or don't work for you, download the latest BotB leak of FamiTracker.

Effects Commands