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DefleMask Tracker Effects Commands View Raw Firki


  1. Global Effects
  2. SEGA Genesis (YM2612)
  3. SEGA Master System (SN76489)
  4. NINTENDO Game Boy (Z80 variant)
  5. NEC PC-Engine (HuC6280)
  6. NINTENDO Entertainment System (RP2A03)
  8. ARCADE (YM2151)
  10. See Also
These are the effects commands available for the 6 chips supported thus far by DefleMask Tracker. The ones that begin with a 1 are always system-specific (also 2 for the SN76489 and SEGA PCM) so make sure you do not mix them up after switching systems!

Global Effects

00xy - Arpeggio; fast note shifting in half steps.
x = Number of half steps from root note for first shift
y = Number of half steps from root note for second shift

Ex: 037 = Minor chord. 047 = Major chord.
View article on arps for more examples.

01xx - Portamento up; smooth pitch glide up.
02xx - Portamento down; smooth pitch glide down.
If xx > 00: Speed
If xx = 00: Off

03xx - Glissando; pitch glide to next note.
If xx > 00: Speed
If xx = 00: Off

04xy - Vibrato; pitch vibration.
If x > 0: Speed
If x = 0: Off
y = Depth

Overridden by YMU759; see below.

05xy - Glissando + Volume slide; see Axy below.
Continues previous 03xx effect without modifying it.

06xy - Vibrato + Volume slide; see Axy below.
Continued previous 04xy effect without modifying it.

07xy - Tremolo; volume tremor.
If x > 0: Speed
If x = 0: Off
y = Depth

08xy - L/R output setting.
If x = 0: Left channel output off
If x = 1: Left channel output on
If y = 0: Right channel output off
If y = 1: Right channel output on

Overridden by HuC6280; see below.

09xx - Speed 1 setting; see 0Fxx below.
If xx = 01-20: Ticks per row for odd rows

0Axy - Volume slide.
If x = 0 & y = 0: Halt slide
If x = 0 & y > 0: Volume slide up x ticks depth
If x > 0 & y = 0: Volume slide down y ticks depth

Note: Same parameters for effects 05xy and 06xy above.

0Bxx - Jump to frame.
xx = Destination frame number

0Cxx - Retrigger, works only for current row.
xx = Rate in ticks

0Dxx - Skip to next frame at row xx.
xx = Destination row number

0Fxx - Speed 2 setting; see 09xx above.
If xx = 01-20: Ticks per row for even rows

E1xy - Note slide up
E2xy - Note slide down
x = speed of slide
y = semitones to slide

E5xx - Channel fine pitch setting.
If xx = 80: Default
If xx > 80: Increase pitch
If xx < 80: Decrease pitch

EBxx - Set sample bank to xx.
If xx = 00-0B: Sample bank 0 to 11 is used.
If xx > 0B: nothin'

ECxx - Delayed note cut.
xx = number of ticks to delay

EDxx - Note delay.
xx = number of ticks to delay

EFxx - Global fine pitch setting.
If xx = 80: Default
If xx > 80: Increase pitch
If xx < 80: Decrease pitch

SEGA Genesis (YM2612)

10xy - Amplitude LFO and frequency LFO rate setting.
If x = 0: Disable LFO
If x > 0: Enable LFO
If y = 0-7: Rate

11xx - Feedback setting.
If xx = 00-07: Feedback amount

12xx - Operator 1 total level setting.
13xx - Operator 2 total level setting.
14xx - Operator 3 total level setting.
15xx - Operator 4 total level setting.
If xx = 00-7F: New TL value

16xy - Operator multiplier factor setting.
If x = 0: Operator 1
If x = 1: Operator 2
If x = 2: Operator 3
If x = 3: Operator 4
y = Multiplier factor

17xx - FM channel 6 sample toggle.
If xx = 00: Disable samples
If xx > 00: Enable samples

19xx - All operators attack rate setting.
1Axx - Operator 1 attack rate setting.
1Bxx - Operator 2 attack rate setting.
1Cxx - Operator 3 attack rate setting.
1Dxx - Operator 4 attack rate setting.
If xx = 00-1F: New AR value

SEGA Master System (SN76489)

20xy - PSG noise channel setting.
If x = 0: 3-pitch fixed noise
If x > 0: Variable-pitch noise

If y = 0: Periodic noise
If y > 0: White noise

This effect is also available when the current system is set to Genesis, via the PSG channels.

NINTENDO Game Boy (Z80 variant)

10xx - GB wave channel selector.
If xx = 00-1E: Waveform number

11xx - GB noise channel setting.
If xx = 00: White noise
If xx = 01: Periodic noise

12xx - GB square channel duty setting.
If xx = 00: 12.5% duty
If xx = 01: 25% duty
If xx = 02: 50% duty
If xx = 03: 75% duty

13xy - GB square channel 1 sweep settings.
If x = 0: Sweep down
If x = 1: Sweep up
If y = 0: Sweep off
If y = 1-7: Sweep shift amount

14xx - GB square channel 1 sweep period.
If xx = 00-07: Sweep period

NEC PC-Engine (HuC6280)

08xy - L/R output setting.
x = Left output volume
y = Right output volume

10xx - Instrument waveform selector
If xx = 00-0E: Waveform number

11xx - Channels 5/6 noise toggle.
If xx = 00: Note output
If xx > 00: Noise output

12xx - Channel 2 LFO setting.
If xx = 00: LFO mode off
If xx = 01: LFO mode on, depth 1
If xx = 02: LFO mode on, depth 16
If xx = 03: LFO mode on, depth 256
Channel 2 will produce no audio output itself when LFO mode is enabled, and instrument waveforms on this channel are used to modulate the pitch of channel 1.

13xx - LFO speed setting.
xx = speed; actual rate varies jointly with channel 2's frequency and this effect

17xx - Toggle sample output.
If xx = 00: outputs from wavetable
If xx = 01: outputs from samples

NINTENDO Entertainment System (RP2A03)

12xx - 2A03 square channel duty setting.
If xx = 00: 12.5% duty
If xx = 01: 25% duty
If xx = 02: 50% duty
If xx = 03: 75% duty


10xx - Set wave.
If xx = 00: No wave
If xx = 01: Triangle
If xx = 02: Saw
If xx = 03: Saw + Triangle
If xx = 04: Pulse
If xx = 05: Pulse + Triangle
If xx = 06: Pulse + Saw
If xx = 07: Pulse + Triangle + Saw
If xx = 08: Noise

11xy - Set filter cutoff.
If xx = 00-3F: Cutoff value

12xx - Set pulse width.
If xx = 00-3F: Pulse width

13xx - Set filter resonance.
If xx = 00-0F: Filter resonance

14xx - Set filter mode.
If xx = 00: No filter
If xx = 01: Low pass
If xx = 02: Band pass
If xx = 03: Band pass + Low pass
If xx = 04: High pass
If xx = 05: High pass + Low pass
If xx = 06: High pass + Band pass
If xx = 07: High pass + Band pass + Low pass

1Axx - Reset ADSR on new notes.
If xx = 00: Do not reset ADSR
If xx = 01: Reset ADSR on new notes

1Bxx - Reset filter cutoff.
If x = 00: Do not reset filter cutoff on every new note
If x > 00: Reset filter cutoff on every new note

If y = 00: Do not reset filter cutoff instantly
If y > 00: Reset filter cutoff instantly

1Cxx - Reset pulse width.
If x = 00: Do not reset filter cutoff on every new note
If x > 00: Reset filter cutoff on every new note

If y = 00: Do not reset filter cutoff instantly
If y > 00: Reset filter cutoff instantly

1Exy - Set ADSR parameters.
If x = 0, y = 0-F: Set attack
If x = 1, y = 0-F: Set decay
If x = 2, y = 0-F: Set sustain
If x = 3, y = 0-F: Set release
If x = 4, y = 0-1: Set ring modulation off (0) or on (1)
If x = 5, y = 0-1: Set sync off (0) or on (1)
If x = 6, y = 0-1: Set CH2OFF off (0) or on (1)


10xy - Noise mode set.
This effect will enable the noise output of the 4th operator of the last FM
channel. 00 means disabled, standard behavior as a FM operator. From 0x01
to 0x20 (HEX) you will set the white noise frequency. This provides
independence from the main frequency of the other operators (to make noise
and kick at the same time at different pitches, for example)

11xx - Feedback setting.
If xx = 00-07: Feedback amount

12xx - Operator 1 total level setting.
13xx - Operator 2 total level setting.
14xx - Operator 3 total level setting.
15xx - Operator 4 total level setting.
If xx = 00-7F: New TL value

16xy - Operator multiplier factor setting.
If x = 0: Operator 1
If x = 1: Operator 2
If x = 2: Operator 3
If x = 3: Operator 4
y = Multiplier factor

17xx - Set LFO Speed.
This effect will set the LFO’s speed. It starts disabled (00), the max value is FF.

18xx - Set LFO Waveform.
This effect will change the LFO waveform, 0 SAW, 1 SQUARE, 2 TRIANGLE, 3

19xx - All operators attack rate setting.
1Axx - Operator 1 attack rate setting.
1Bxx - Operator 2 attack rate setting.
1Cxx - Operator 3 attack rate setting.
1Dxx - Operator 4 attack rate setting.
If xx = 00-1F: New AR value


20xx - Set Sample Delta.
This effect will set the speed of sample playback, very useful to make tonal
samples. The formula is: delta*(31250/255)hz = sample hz

See Also

DefleMask Tracker
List of Effects Commands

Effects Commands