IMHO treating this fight as anything but what it is, an epic battle between two powerful planeswalkers fighting for their lives and goals, is the true sexist position.
I thought the point of aanaaanaaanaaana was to mock the perceived public circlejerkeness aspect of mainstream chipscene via directed guerrilla assaults derived in private irc channels and im circlejerks and enjoyed amongst its perpetrators secretly. At least the music is more interesting than most of the regular trolls.
The irony of most anti-circle jerk movements is that they often end up into big circle jerks themselves, reflecting the absence of an honest desire to rebel against the circlejerkiness of online subcultures, while at the same reflecting the very hypocrisy of its creators and followers, being in denial about their desire to create, protect, enlarge and feel proud of their very own circle jerk.
i still listen to Mole Soul all the time. i think specifically the song Look Away is one of the highest points music in general has ever reached, i could name maybe 2 or 3 better songs at best, but i couldnt even be sure about at least one of them. it has been a song to cry to and a song to rejoice to and a song just to hum quietly on the way to the bus in the bitter cold to as my armor against the elements, it has been all that and more to me for so long now it has almost become hard to believe that an actual person really made it. i don't know if you'll ever read this, probably not, and honestly if it were me getting my 12-years-old song gushed over all fucking faux-poetically I'd probably just be annoyed. but I had to say it somewhere, so I may as well say it here: thank you