funfact i dont celebrate birthdays irl but i kinda enjoy botburfdays but well, everyone is doing what they like the most. i can stop posting burfday comments in the future if you want :D/
gratitude, and i had too much boons for my needs - i took a look for all votes i received in xhb battles (the only ones we can see the voting log), and gave 56 boons for each 7 i received, 5.6 for each 6, 0.56 for each 5, and 0.00 for each 4 or less, to everyone! ;)
:o very nice of you lend a hand, thank you very much. Don't you have another place I can contact you though? I'm NOT familiar at all with irc, never used it.
youve been banned from irc #botb after discussing with other admins that botb's discord server (where you're already banned from) and irc channel will not be handled as two different things in terms of kicks and bans from now on.
hello again.
you have been mummied because we (admins) decided that chat bans will now lead to site bans as well. we will not treat them as different entities from now on.