Level 31 Chipist

7th Σ6.125

5th Σ6.132

3rd Σ6.265

frozen lake 
114th Σ5.173

hot chocolate in pants 
20th Σ5.880

bead sprite ornaments
  6th/441   Σ29.575   Dec 8th 2023 3:57pm
my longtime secret hobby! i knew right away i wanted to make some little ornaments; maybe if i made more, eventually i could have enough to decorate a whole tree with them one year. i started out just making some simple, mono-colored designs, since that's my favorite kind of christmas tree ornament. (i even decided to decorate the tree this year exclusively using things that were basically one color!) but i didn't feel satisfied so i made an allgear icon too, lol - quite possibly the most complicated thing i could've gone for because of all the colors. i mostly like how it turned out, despite a couple iffy color choices; that one red-purple bead doesn't look so egregious when the light's not shining through at least haha, but maybe i'd try again sometime now that i know how it looks when ironed.


advent diary day 8:
we put a lot of thought into how to come up with a theme for today's bitpack that didn't allow people to thumb through their old photos and submit something from that. i like the encouragement to do something fun, crafty, creative, cooking! i hope you all had fun with it too!

1/3rd of the way there!


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damifortune - emergent.it

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Frag - Advent cookies
Level 25 Chipist
post #180510 :: 2023.12.08 11:46pm
  cabbage drop, lasersphaser, damifortune and mirageofher liēkd this
These are so cute! Now I want to make bead sprites again, I haven't touched those in so many years.
Level 19 Mixist
post #180715 :: 2023.12.10 8:34pm
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
no matter how hard i slam into my monitor i still can't get any red shells. wtf

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