Level 29 Mixist
post #44031 ::
2014.06.01 10:07pm
GoldenDenis, raphaelgoulart, Savestate, gyms_, tothejazz and Slimeball liēkd this
GoldenDenis, raphaelgoulart, Savestate, gyms_, tothejazz and Slimeball liēkd this
you should have called this account gayway
[23:07:14] 0<golgi> !seen gyms|gayway
[23:07:16] 16<TMAnna> golgi, I found 5 matches to your query: gyms, LosingMy8-D, gyms|gayway, gyms|away, blipblop. gyms (~Karac@108-225-163-45.lightspeed.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net) was last seen parting #botb 3 days 19 hours 2 minutes ago (29.05. 10:04), after spending 1 minute there.
[23:07:14] 0<golgi> !seen gyms|gayway
[23:07:16] 16<TMAnna> golgi, I found 5 matches to your query: gyms, LosingMy8-D, gyms|gayway, gyms|away, blipblop. gyms (~Karac@108-225-163-45.lightspeed.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net) was last seen parting #botb 3 days 19 hours 2 minutes ago (29.05. 10:04), after spending 1 minute there.