Pandatracker hidden secrets...
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Renderist
post #43094 :: 2014.05.19 12:44pm :: edit 2014.05.19 12:49pm
  Flaminglog, anewuser, Slimeball and goluigi liēkd this

Regarding Pandatracker there are a few neat things not documented.

You can change theme colors by pressing Scroll Lock.

The volume column is kind of broken right now... It should be hexadecimal values between $00 and $40. Hexadecimal characters $A through $F cannot be entered in the volume column with the latest version. This can be fixed by leaving yourself marker values in the volume column like "31 33 35 37" and then looking for that string in a hex editor in your newly saved *.panda file. Knowing now where the volume for that column is located, you can now change them to what you like, save and reopen the file in PandaTracker. Once things are edited to how you like them, you can now use copy/paste within the tracker with those values. :D
Level 29 Mixist
post #43095 :: 2014.05.19 12:47pm
are the pandatracker colour bytes located at 0x11-0x13? I was trying to manually change that but i kept crashing the tracker rip in piece : (

what are the restrictions on those

(and just to confirm, the pandatracker source is lost forever right?)

(rip setrodox)
Level 27 Renderist
post #43097 :: 2014.05.19 12:52pm
PandaTracker source and setrodox are gone for good. I haven't done a full RE of the filetype yet.
Level 28 Renderist
post #43100 :: 2014.05.19 1:34pm :: edit 2014.05.30 3:18pm
  b00daw, anewuser, raphaelgoulart and goluigi liēkd this
Looks like somebody found me out!

Yeah, I did some reverse engineering myself. ;)

Here's what I could gather from it:

0x00: PANDADEV (8 bytes)
0x08: 0x00 (3 bytes)
0x0B: 0x02 (version?)
0x0C: song data size (file size - 0x10) (4 bytes)
0x10: compression byte (explained later on)
0x11: pretty colors~ (3 bytes)
0x14: speed (1 byte)
0x15: order list (compressed)
0x??: pattern data (also compressed)

The order list is 64 bytes when uncompressed. 0xFF is used for empty orders.

Pattern data is 131072 bytes when uncompressed.
Pattern data is divided into 8 channels, each 16384 bytes when uncompressed.
Each channel is divided into 4 "sub-channels": note, volume, fx command, fx value, each 4096 bytes large.
Empty pattern cells use value 0x00

Compression format:

Compression occurs in the order list and pattern data, and is responsible for making the panda files nice and small. ;)

Anything that is not a compression byte, is an order list entry, note, volume (or fx) value depending on where you are in the file)

After encountering a compression byte, a variable length encoded value follows (similar to delta values in MIDI files), and 1 data byte. Then (variable length encoded value+1) bytes are set to this data byte. This is most commonly at the end of orderlist where the remaining bytes in the orderlist are set to 0xFF, and the end of a channel, where the remaining bytes are set to 0x00

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the variable length encoded value maxes out at 0xFFFF. It's then followed by another compression byte/VLE/data byte pair.
Level 28 Renderist
post #44492 :: 2014.06.07 6:09am
  gyms_, b00daw, brightentayle and R3M liēkd this
UPDATE: Now you can also be a hax0r and track your panda songs in OpenMPT or schism!!! ^o^

Demo songs are included.
Level 27 Renderist
post #44498 :: 2014.06.07 7:04am :: edit 2014.06.07 7:06am
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
you are my friend.

edit: damn that's not a SFW file to open up on a work terminal!
Level 22 Chipist
post #44499 :: 2014.06.07 7:07am
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
No one can be a true hax0r than the hax0r tool creator already is.
Level 27 Renderist
post #44611 :: 2014.06.10 8:11am
  goluigi and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Updated the Lyceum with this information.

How far did we get with illegal notes, volumes, and commands? ;)

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