DefleMask Update!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 9 Playa
post #42777 :: 2014.05.15 6:44am
  Xaser, Savestate, b00daw, zanzan, raphaelgoulart, tothejazz, Strobe and gotoandplay liēkd this
Hi guys!, thanks to some reports and help from BotB users and DefleMask's forums users, DefleMask gets a new stability update!

The main fix is a crash issue that was affecting specific type of Computers, this one was REALLY hard to debug because it was impossible for me to replicate it. But with lot of testing to narrow the bug in the computers of littlelamp100, bod and r57shell, the bug was finally identified and fixed.


DefleMask 9s (@05/14/14):
After lot of work and debugging (thanks r57shell, littlelamp100 and bod) a random crash was fixed!!, now the tracker is completely stable.
Now a backup module will be automatically saved in the DefleMask folder, this was added to prevent data loss if you suffer a crash or a power failure.
Better default Commodore 64 instrument.
Now vibratos will not cancel arpeggios (Backward compatibility warning: if you used that behavior to cancel arpeggios then you will have to add a 00 00 effect now to cancel it).
Fixed an issue regarding to module name while opening it trough the OS explorer and switching to another system while a song was already loaded.
Now you can click on names under the SAVE/LOAD file screen, before you needed to click on the folder/file tiny icons.
More demo songs!
Manual updated.



Thanks a lot for the support and bug-reports.

PS: Thanks to jrlepage too, for donating me b25, otherwise I could not have done this post. :D

Level 27 Mixist
post #42778 :: 2014.05.15 7:47am
  Savestate and Slimeball liēkd this
  raphaelgoulart hæitd this
This is all very good, but... will it blend?
Level 9 Playa
post #42780 :: 2014.05.15 7:56am :: edit 2014.05.15 7:57am
  tothejazz and goluigi liēkd this
I don't get what "will it blend?" means, sorry but English is not my native language. :P
Level 21 Chipist
post #42785 :: 2014.05.15 9:54am
  Savestate and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Delek, it's just a reference to this
Level 27 Chipist
post #42786 :: 2014.05.15 10:35am :: edit 2014.05.15 10:36am
Nice! Now just to get rid of laziness and do something nice on your tracker! :D
Also, I still wish I could select/copy/paste data of the strings of the envelopes/wavetables. It would help A LOT on the instrument-making process, I think at least. Even if it's something a bit complicated that would need a per-OS solution, I think it's worth giving it a try.
Also, a friend said he wished he'd able to put the copyright in the songs (like in the NES)
I don't really know how to explain properly so (while Deflemask has only Title and Artist fields)
Level 27 Mixist
post #42787 :: 2014.05.15 11:10am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
The default C64 instrument thing was really bugging me, thanks!
Level 21 Chipist
post #42805 :: 2014.05.15 4:13pm
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
raphaelgoulart: In the meantime, you can always hex-edit the NSF to add copyright info yourself... Or use NotSoFatso to edit the NSF's metadata.

I agree a copyright field in the tracker would be a good thing though.
Level 27 Mixist
post #42816 :: 2014.05.15 10:05pm
  raphaelgoulart and aji liēkd this
in all seriousness, thank you for the updates! it's very appreciated ^-^

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