Level 24 Chipist
post #36789 ::
2014.02.06 8:00pm :: edit 2014.02.07 7:15am
Savestate, n00b, anewuser, Fearofdark, Chip Champion, puke7, MKSTAR26, mootbooxle and Doxic liēkd this
Savestate, n00b, anewuser, Fearofdark, Chip Champion, puke7, MKSTAR26, mootbooxle and Doxic liēkd this
We talk about the origins of BotB and Winter Chip IX. Puke's microphone clips a lot.
Ask questions for future podcasts in this thread:
If you would like to be in the podcast, say nothing about wanting to be in the podcast.
Comments! Questions! Criticisms! Suggestions! POST 'EM!
We talk about the origins of BotB and Winter Chip IX. Puke's microphone clips a lot.
Ask questions for future podcasts in this thread:
If you would like to be in the podcast, say nothing about wanting to be in the podcast.
Comments! Questions! Criticisms! Suggestions! POST 'EM!