Winter Chip 9 pre-votes!!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #35139 :: 2014.01.07 10:28am :: edit 2014.01.07 10:28am
  plrusek, Xemogasa, raphaelgoulart and Strobe liēkd this
  Safari, Chip Champion and Fearofdark hæitd this

Here's a quick dumb thing I whipped up in about 30 minutes. Vote for the categories you would like to see in WC9!!

Note that the end decision is puke7's and he is free to choose whatever he likes <3
Level 17 Playa
post #35140 :: 2014.01.07 10:33am
  Zillah hæitd this
Lacks DOOM Wad :(((((((88888
Level 31 Chipist
post #35141 :: 2014.01.07 10:43am
  anewuser and Slimeball liēkd this
HES needs more of the loves :(
Level 28 Chipist
post #35143 :: 2014.01.07 11:39am
  Interrobang Pie liēkd this
I voted.
Level 28 Renderist
post #35144 :: 2014.01.07 12:03pm
  null1024 and Tuxxy Brown liēkd this
It'd be nice to have a PC speaker category, but if anything it should replace the fsound category and not depend on a single program.
Level 24 Chipist
post #35146 :: 2014.01.07 12:36pm
  Grumskiz liēkd this
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #35148 :: 2014.01.07 1:02pm
I added the fsound, mariopaint(?) and NTRQ(?????) categories. I also added some nice colours, and highlights for categories that are currently voted 15th or higher (this is assuming there will be 16 categories this year, including chip battle art).

Tilde, Renoise is very much a Mixist format!! (MOD and Mario Paint might be as well but oh well).
Level 27 Chipist
post #35151 :: 2014.01.07 2:30pm
voted on all that i would ~try to~ join (considering if i have about enough knowledge on that certain chip/format to make a decent tune or not). nice to see zxbeep, sid, sgen, gameboy and aym are among the first ones :D
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #35154 :: 2014.01.07 5:53pm
  Fearofdark, Grumskiz, raphaelgoulart, MKSTAR26, anewuser, Interrobang Pie and Slimeball liēkd this
i think we've kind of stabilized with more lofi stuff at winter times (tia, vic, beeper, sid) and bigger stuff at summer chips (snes, PCE, 64k ect...)

i prefer things that way... if every battle had every format, it wouldnt be "special"
Level 22 Chipist
post #35156 :: 2014.01.07 7:19pm :: edit 2014.01.07 7:34pm
  Slimeball and null1024 liēkd this
gird yourselves with the power
to listen to the sweet chiptune stylings of ahx format
, yo
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #35157 :: 2014.01.07 7:41pm :: edit 2014.01.07 7:42pm
Chip Champion, that's a good point!! Still this can be used to gauge which low-res formats are popular.

I mean, that is all this is. Nobody said that this will determine what is to appear in WC9, haha!!

And it was fun to make
Level 28 Chipist
post #35158 :: 2014.01.07 7:46pm
  KungFuFurby, raphaelgoulart and Interrobang Pie liēkd this
I vot'd [for formats that I would definitely enter, anything with a doubt was ignored]. Format voting would be a neat thing [if Puke goes along with it, haha], although if we voted every year, we'd get the same formats over and over and that'd get boring.
Level 24 Chipist
post #35159 :: 2014.01.08 1:48am
  sethdonut, Grumskiz and Slimeball liēkd this
tiger electronics
Level 28 Chipist
post #35164 :: 2014.01.08 4:56am
I voted for the formats that I would be most likely to enter myself. I dare not go for MIDI, though, because of playback inconsistency (I learned that the hard way through the VGMusic forums).
Level 25 Chipist
post #35168 :: 2014.01.08 7:06am
You get to upload a render, though, KFF. The original format is more like a "check your work" thing in majors, isn't it?
Level 28 Chipist
post #35169 :: 2014.01.08 11:27am :: edit 2014.01.09 9:43am
  Slimeball liēkd this
(WARNING: Descriptioncore dead ahead!)

I guess so... but in my case, you would most likely get a Quicktime render (or some other attempt at a render that wouldn't involve soundfonts). Plus, my MIDI files were directly exported from Schism Tracker at first (I didn't know of the IT to MIDI conversion utensil by iamgreaser), and I realized of a fatal flaw in doing that: the MIDI files would have volume 0 commands in the hex files. Not fatal for Quicktime, but it causes very quick fades in other MIDI synthesizers. Thankfully I came up with a hex solution, although it was still nightmarish to carry out. Actually, testing the MIDI in real time was problematic, even when switching to Harmony Assistant. I had to set up the MIDI output each and every time I booted up the program. I had SimpleSynth to act as MIDI output. I never found out if my one and only attempt at a grand re-entrance was successful or not because voting never commenced during that particular compo (I even recreated the song in Schism Tracker, no MIDI importing required, just so I could have a song that could be consistently listened to). I'm still very nervous about making one in the first place... even with a render, it's only a single MIDI player's output, and the vast majority of the time it is Windows' generic MIDI player (which I can psuedo-emulate in Quicktime, although that's already backfired once). I also keep thinking of GS (GM is the default set, GS is an add-on), mainly for the extra sounds. XG, on the other hand, is a no-go (although I have a soundfont to kind of get away with it).

Oh, and what seals MIDI's fate for me is that what you have listed as an acceptable format is "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth". I have the same thing (Quicktime), only slightly glitchier.

I am now aware of greasemonkey's it2midi utensil, although I'm not sure if it can process more than one note per "MIDI channel". I'm still interested in pulling that one off, and both Schism Tracker and Harmony Assistant can do that.

Honestly, I feel my time is better spent with other formats these days... at least playback is not so inconsistent.
Level 29 Hostist
post #35404 :: 2014.01.10 2:21pm
  Jangler, Doxic and Interrobang Pie liēkd this
I didn't see this until now. :/
Level 27 Renderist
post #35429 :: 2014.01.10 7:54pm
  Grumskiz, puke7 and Slimeball liēkd this
seems that everyone is voting for interface ease first and then sound aesthetics second. not really up to the chips themselves. it's more up to the programmed GUIs for the applications to sound chip manipulation.

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