MIDI file limit :<
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 18 Mixist
post #29647 :: 2013.07.08 7:47am
hi, i want to submit a MIDI for summer chip III but the size limit is 64kb and my entry is nearly 10x that size (runtime is 3:29)
it plays fine on the microsoft GM wavetable synthesizer and i promise it isn't too boring.

i realise it may be tough titties and that maybe i should just submit a .mp3 to the wild chip scategory but midi files are way more cool, ye?
Level 22 Chipist
post #29734 :: 2013.07.09 5:26pm
You can't really expect somebody to go full force on a midi file and have such a tiny limit. You can't even call that a proper battle if you can't submit a 3 minute song that features your best technical abilities. I personally would consider the midi category to be mostly judged by composition rather than technical prowess, but I'm not a midi-wizard.
Level 29 Hostist
post #29736 :: 2013.07.09 5:38pm
  Jangler and Slimeball liēkd this
  jrlepage hæitd this
The size limitation is to keep the midi entries in the spirit of chip. Think of trying to keep your game's size down to below a single 1.44mb diskette. That's the whole game including the music. Whatever you did to manifest a midi file of 640kb is absurd wizardry! You know there was a time when that was all the RAM you had? Minus some kb for DOS and a playback routine and you have even less RAM. So, yeah, please submit your render to the Wildchip format. ;)
Level 18 Mixist
post #29745 :: 2013.07.09 8:40pm
ahh, thinking about it that way makes a lot more sense

i may have just been sucked into the maximalist side of things :>
Level 21 Chipist
post #30363 :: 2013.07.30 5:02pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
So the format is "DOS game MIDI" then. Noted.

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