Famicompo Mini vol. 10
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Renderist
post #27835 :: 2013.05.23 11:58am
  TQ-Jam and skinnyhead2000 liēkd this


I hope you guys aren't as lazy as I was last edition and actually submit something. ( 'w')
Level 31 Chipist
post #27836 :: 2013.05.23 12:00pm
  null1024, TQ-Jam, skinnyhead2000, Fearofdark and Slimeball liēkd this
I just might!!!!
Level 30 Mixist
post #27838 :: 2013.05.23 12:03pm
  TQ-Jam and Doxic liēkd this
Oh man. I wish I wasn't so un-motivated right now.
Level 24 Chipist
post #27839 :: 2013.05.23 12:08pm
  TQ-Jam, Slimeball, Fearofdark and xterm liēkd this
i am totally going to finally submit a thing again after 3 long beautiful years
Level 22 Chipist
post #27845 :: 2013.05.23 12:34pm
  Jangler, TQ-Jam and mootbooxle liēkd this
I am with mootbooxle, plus I have several other projects going on :F

However I will attempt to make something! :)
Level 24 Mixist
post #27848 :: 2013.05.23 12:47pm
  TQ-Jam and Slimeball liēkd this
Yay my first chance!
I just hope I don't lazy out of it...
Level 30 Mixist
post #27850 :: 2013.05.23 1:33pm
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
Yeah that's the thing, it's not that I am being lazy right now, it's just that I have like 50 million other things going on right now (things that pay money) so they are more important. Plus I suffer from chronic fatigue. It's hard enough for me right now just to do the things that keep the bills paid, much less spending a million hours on a tracker composition.

I feel bad that I've never entered FCM tho :X
We'll see...
Level 21 Criticist
post #27853 :: 2013.05.23 3:22pm
  TQ-Jam liēkd this
Rumor has it this is the last fcm

Though I hope the next one is just Famicompo 2 (no mini)
Level 28 Chipist
post #27855 :: 2013.05.23 3:39pm
  TQ-Jam and Slimeball liēkd this
Works for me. I'll go ahead and make one.
Level 24 Chipist
post #27859 :: 2013.05.23 8:01pm
  Grumskiz, Fearofdark and TQ-Jam liēkd this
Some of us already talked it on IRC. If this is really the last one, then it'll be time to make our own to succeed it.

And oh man I hope I can get something done this time.
Level 25 Mixist
post #27861 :: 2013.05.23 8:26pm
  gotoandplay, goluigi, architect1, Jangler, Tuxxy Brown, Grumskiz, epic_caterpillar, skinnyhead2000, Doxic, xterm and Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
  Slimeball hæitd this
winter chip > fcm
Level 31 Chipist
post #27875 :: 2013.05.24 10:54am
  gotoandplay, Tuxxy Brown, Slimeball and Doxic liēkd this
Uh oh, you have no idea what you have started now!
*makes 3 buckets of popcorn and puts on the 3D goggles*
Level 25 Mixist
post #27877 :: 2013.05.24 11:52am
  Tuxxy Brown, skinnyhead2000 and Doxic liēkd this
  Slimeball hæitd this
i read somethingsomething 3D giggles cos i need glasses

Level 22 Chipist
post #27880 :: 2013.05.24 12:28pm
  Tuxxy Brown and skinnyhead2000 liēkd this
I want 3D giggles now... :)))
Level 10 Chipist
post #28168 :: 2013.05.28 2:10pm
Yes this is the last Famicompo, I believe the host said.
Level 24 Chipist
post #28175 :: 2013.05.28 10:41pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
Well if this is the last, the next one will have to be made from scratch by someone else.

We could speak about an NSF-only big Battle, though the anonymity would be an issue. We could also host a special one somewhere else or something? I dunno.

Though it'd be cool to have a few things improved; like adding a panel of judges who'd get first dibs on listening to all the tracks (while still not able to know who submitted what) to detect trolls or misplaced entries and stuff like that.
Level 25 Chipist
post #28177 :: 2013.05.29 12:10am
  Xyz liēkd this
I give you a hamburger.
Level 25 Mixist
post #28180 :: 2013.05.29 4:04am
  Slimeball hæitd this
  Interrobang Pie liēkd this
frickin fricks http://j.mp/13YosnG
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #28182 :: 2013.05.29 5:50am :: edit 2013.05.29 5:53am
  skinnyhead2000 and gyms liēkd this
  Slimeball hæitd this
* O * M * G *

the etymology of the word "frick" as we know it... scholars accept it worldwide... <3
Level 24 Chipist
post #28196 :: 2013.05.29 9:01pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
No kf, you can't count the songs you don't like as troll entries.

Troll entries in this case would be like um

entering a short loop and claiming it's a really long song (in this case the judges would only need to point out the real length so that the entry is updated)
or entries that are only noise (not to be confused with noise music)
or entries that only use DPCM or the SuperNSF wave channel (you know the kind of thing)
or some dude entering someone else's song claiming it's their own

those kinds of things are what I mean with "troll". Bad songs are bad songs and still deserve their spot in the thing despite being bad; musical jokes and fun entries can still be done with finesse and effort, and be considered good music while making everyone laugh their pants off; but disruptive entries are pretty disrespectful and could be done away with.
Level 22 Chipist
post #28197 :: 2013.05.29 11:37pm
  skinnyhead2000 liēkd this
joke entries are fun

dogg tales - 5th place

did it really deserve that place though?
Level 24 Chipist
post #28198 :: 2013.05.29 11:57pm
  Interrobang Pie and HertzDevil liēkd this
Except dogg tales uses SuperNSF perfectly and it's not a only-one-wave-channel thing. I was actually thinking of that one when I typed about joke entries being good - they ARE.

Troll entries and joke entries aren't the same thing. How do I explain it... Well, from my POV, joke entries are stuff that is made so people can laugh with the creator. An enjoyable piece that also makes you laugh. Troll entries, on the other hand, seem to me like stuff that is made to laugh AT the ones that are gonna listen to it. It's a joke at the audience's expense, and that's rude and disrespectful.

Dogg Tales is a joke entry. SANDSTORM (8-BIT REMIX) is a troll entry. In my eyes, there's a difference.

Also dammit Slimeball, stop hæiting my posts just like that, if you have an opinion I'm all ears!
Level 28 Renderist
post #28202 :: 2013.05.30 12:28am :: edit 2013.05.30 12:28am
  goluigi liēkd this
I haeited your posts because I enjoyed most of the troll/joke entries (except the cover of "I'll be there for you"), and don't think they should be censored.
Level 25 Mixist
post #28205 :: 2013.05.30 3:07am
  goluigi, Slimeball and Jangler liēkd this
hey troll entries keep the place from turning into mod_shrine(whooops! jjjkkk)

uuni said something a bit profound in chat the other day after a few ohc's. something like, "wow, you guys are like, skilled noobs or something. this place has a big time noob atmosphere." not sure if he was was actually confoundedly disgusted or just making a surprised observation, but it was basically to say that we tend to fuck around a lot while still managing to make some good tunes. and idk, i like that a lot. i think this is an important concept(at the very least, it's something that makes my life some thing more enjoyable.)

cos let's not kid ourselves: in a globally relative sense, no one really gives a fuck about chiptunes and mod music. i'd welcome any amount of troll/joke entries to any compo cos it's almost an appropriate reminder of this.

EHII, a relative interpretation, but if it's a rude and disrespectful joke at the audience's expense, so what? the real world forces enough state and culturally dictated social rules on everyone. community driven chip/mod stuff isn't classical music, it isn't abandoned jazz scene stuff and it's not chart driven pop music. there's no need to bring their dumb social standards into our bubble.

a healthy signal to noise ratio is important and I see why some people might see an upset in the balance as an alarming indicator of a doomed future or something, but the shifting nature of the community overall will decide this. and if it comes down to ruin, hey it was supposed to happen. but i don't think this is the case. there's nothing wrong with pouring countless hours into something and then being made fun of for it(or making fun of yourself). it's probably the most necessary thing to do. and again, the nature of it all: despite any amount of trolls/whatever there are always retarded amounts of talent pushing things out that create a perfect balance. it's all incredibly charming imo.

and hey i'm not hating on voicing your own opinions if you think things should be taken more seriously, but i felt inspired to say something ::|

troll entries are gud
Level 17 Chipist
post #28210 :: 2013.05.30 9:49am
  Slimeball liēkd this
i agree kfaraday
Level 25 Chipist
post #28211 :: 2013.05.30 10:34am :: edit 2013.05.30 10:35am
  Slimeball liēkd this
Every contest I vote in I listen to every entry for the full specified time. To do anything else before voting is disrespectful. To not vote in a contest you entered is similarly disrespectful.

Though, honestly, because of the huge grind listening to Famicompo 9 was (so many NSFs were multi-song, and way too much of the awful N163), I might not even enter this year to avoid having to listen to it all.
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #28213 :: 2013.05.30 10:47am :: edit 2013.05.30 10:47am
  goluigi and Slimeball hæitd this
If nobody makes any troll entries, there is no need to censor them.

Those that wish to help can do so by not making a troll entry.
Level 25 Chipist
post #28215 :: 2013.05.30 11:13am :: edit 2013.05.30 11:13am
  gotoandplay, goluigi, null1024, TQ-Jam, zebra, Slimeball, Interrobang Pie, Fearofdark, epic_caterpillar, gyms and skinnyhead2000 liēkd this
I don't find the troll entries to be a significant problem. It's all the genuine but boring entries that grind me down. (If anything, the occasional troll is kind of a relief.)
Level 20 Mixist
post #28217 :: 2013.05.30 1:20pm
  goluigi and Slimeball liēkd this
Actually I used to submit joke entries in mod_shrine all the time. One thing I loved about the compo system there was being able to enter under an alias or enter multiple modules for a single contest.
Level 25 Mixist
post #28221 :: 2013.05.30 3:14pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
yea, i was being a little overzealous with that. i didn't meen it
Level 21 Criticist
post #28225 :: 2013.05.30 5:40pm :: edit 2013.05.30 5:40pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
+1 Famicompo extension
+1 listen to all entries in their entirety
+1 allow troll/joke entries
-1 2A03 only
-1 this is all hypothetical anyway
Total: +1!
Level 28 Chipist
post #28228 :: 2013.05.30 6:36pm
Maybe it's just me, but I think I see in the rules that 10 NSF entries are allowed for each category. But multisong NSF files are not allowed this go round.
Level 25 Chipist
post #28266 :: 2013.05.31 7:43am
Yes, the rules have changed.
Level 24 Mixist
post #28270 :: 2013.05.31 2:12pm
Almost that time
Level 22 Chipist
post #28281 :: 2013.06.01 1:03am
  HertzDevil, goluigi, zebra, gyms, architect1 and Slimeball liēkd this
  null1024 hæitd this
uhhhhh i'm so lazy

fuck this

fuck 8 bit poop crap
Level 24 Chipist
post #28293 :: 2013.06.01 4:16pm :: edit 2013.06.01 4:17pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
  Fearofdark liēkd this
Slimeball, the fact that you mention ArchJ's "I'll be there for you" cover as a troll entry (and why would it be?) is making me think that I'm not being entirely clear on what I believe are troll entries.

So here we go!

What ElHuesudoII considers troll entries:
- A wave file split in separate DPCMs and played in a linear sequence without any other kind of content (remember that Wo Ai Beijing Tian'an Men one?)
- A wave file split in separate PCMs and played in a linear sequence through SuperNSF, without any other kind of content (remember SANDSTORM?)
- A short loop submitted in a way that it's listed as a much longer song
- Aggressive noise

What ElHuesudoII could be thought of considering troll entries, when in fact he doesn't:
- Songs that use a lot of PCM/DPCM
- Noise music
- Songs that contain motifs or references to things the community finds funny
- Funnily unexpected covers
- Songs covered in a silly way
- Songs "intentionally badly done"
- Songs by people not skilled enough
- Songs ElHuesudoII didn't like
- Etcetera

I'm not opposed to joke entries at all. Hell, I love joke entries. But there's stuff that I personally don't consider a joke.
Level 24 Chipist
post #28304 :: 2013.06.01 8:54pm
but kf

it wasn't even a perfect loop
Level 25 Mixist
post #28306 :: 2013.06.02 6:08am
  Slimeball, zebra, skinnyhead2000 and Fearofdark liēkd this
fcm6 was the first famicompo i'd listened to, back when i was pretty much brand new to trackers and online chipthings in general. coming across entries like RAINBOW ADVENTURE gave the whole compo some kind of mystic quality cos i didn't quite understand what was going on. all i could do was appreciate the strange way it made me feel and laugh about it. i think that's a pretty special thing.

and i'm sure all of the dpcm joke/'troll' aren't just completely random fuckings. it's all done in good taste to reference some inside joke among certain circles. i remember one year there was a dpcm tribute to ilocan, which almost made me cry. to anyone who didn't know ilocan it was surely just another pointless wave-split dpcm thing.

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