Craigslist alert: TI-99/4A $50
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 13 Chipist
post #201687 :: 2024.11.22 8:47pm
  VirtualMan, retrokid104, nitrofurano and damifortune liēkd this
Something I found in my unhealthily wide-ranging Craigslist browsing habit. Thought about grabbing it but I don't need to get involved with all that right now. It sounds like these were infamously not very DIY friendly, and afaik there's nothing for native music editors. Still though, uses something akin to the TI SN76489 for 3 dirty squares and a noise; sounds like Atari 8-bit to me. Maybe somebody in the PNW is interested, or if someone more 1337 than me is dying to have it, maybe I could help hook it up somehow:
Level 28 Chipist
post #201699 :: 2024.11.23 1:04am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
I think puke has one
Apparently it weighs a ton

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