Format request: UCBLogo
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 11 Mixist
post #199535 :: 2024.10.21 3:58pm :: edit 2024.10.22 3:24pm
  VirtualMan liēkd this
  Viraxor hæitd this
I know, I know, me requesting a format during the great feast that is O!ANF?

How very greedy of me, and for that I apologize.

Regardless, I am here to potentially bring another code-based format to botb, that being Python Turtle Graphics!


Python Turtle Graphics is a preinstalled library for the popular programming language Python® that allows the user to draw vector images using the titular "turtle" (a cursor that can move across a flat canvas in a variety of fun shapes and methods; full list of methods here
). Although the library is purposely simple in nature (as it was originally intended as an educational tool), that fact has not stopped people from making impressive works with the language.

Things It Can Do

Not only can Turtle Graphics create images, it can also make animations of a somewhat rudimentary type through loops. Additionally (and theoretically), one could even make text based point and click games using the input() command.


Python Turtle Graphics obviously runs on Python, the 3rd most used programming language in the world, right below the already existing html format
and, as such, is available on a wide range of IDEs across virtually all platforms. The only potential prerequisite needed for the Turtle module is tkinter for the GUI elements
, which is available on "Unix platforms, including macOS, as well as on Windows systems" and should be installable on Linux platforms, from my research
. Additionally, the library is completely open source
, incase if you want to poke around with it and see how it works behind the scenes!

How to Submit

One would export a .py file containing only built-in functions and the Python Turtle Graphics module with no other imported assets. Then Botbrs can run the program on their IDE/Decompiler of choice.

But WHY though?

Adding this format would give the site another codist format that is easy enough to understand and even easier to define (compared to broadly making a programming language a format). Additionally, I personally believe the tool to have a unique charm to it unpresent in any other visual format, in the same way that teletext has its unmistakable charm through it's way of creating visuals.

Thank you for reading, and I completely understand if there are any potential issues with the format that would make it unsuitable for creation, this is just my little idea for expanding the codist family.
Level 20 Chipist
post #199555 :: 2024.10.21 11:06pm
  Mrperson987 liēkd this
O!ANF sounds like the name of an osu fangame :skull:

i honestly wouldn't mind having this tbh (codists on botb be starving rn)
but uhhhhh
python in bespoke is i l l e g a l cuz scripts can be "dangerous n stuff" (but tbh im not even sure if bespoke has access to your files via the script module, or your mouse/keyboard)
and I could easily see some put some mini virus in the middle of lots of code n shit and just murder your pc :skull:

i would really like a new codist format (coding is cul),
but because of the "illegalness" of python in bespoke...

...things could get complicated

Level 28 Chipist
post #199569 :: 2024.10.22 5:25am
  argarak, VirtualMan, YQN, nitrofurano, Lasertooth, SRB2er and Mrperson987 liēkd this
like SRB2er says, python is unsandboxed, so there's potential for abuse. most accessible would probably just to do this in html format using a JS turtle graphics library, but since this is BotB and we have all this old computer junk, why not use a logo implementation? logo is where turtle graphics originated -- maybe there's a safe implementation for modern systems, or one you could run in an emulator?

(n.b. i have no interest in this format personally)
Level 24 Chipist
post #199577 :: 2024.10.22 9:27am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
i remember using logo at school on thomson MO6 and TO5 computers
Level 29 Chipist
post #199607 :: 2024.10.22 3:18pm
forward 100
left 90
forward 150
Level 11 Mixist
post #199610 :: 2024.10.22 3:33pm :: edit 2024.10.22 3:36pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
here ya go Nitro.

Anyways, looking pack on this post I didn't really stop to consider the whole bag of worms that making a format that relies on a sandboxed language could bring. The idea definitely sounded better in my head

(By the way, sorry if the beginning bit in my original post sounded very snarky, for lack of a better word, lol, was not trying to sound that way)
Level 29 Chipist
post #199611 :: 2024.10.22 3:42pm
  Mrperson987 liēkd this
@Mrperson987 thanks! but i actually tried it here:

so, the idea would be a logo (codist) format? what about ucblogo?
Level 11 Mixist
post #199642 :: 2024.10.23 6:51am
Just saw this, that would be perfect! Then botbrs can just submit the file as text or pdf with the pdf export

guess we're changing the title lol
Level 28 Chipist
post #199646 :: 2024.10.23 8:38am
  Mrperson987 liēkd this
it would be perfect, except that according to the manual, UCBlogo has filesystem and shell access

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