WaveTracker Format
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 10 Chipist
post #197063 :: 2024.09.09 1:25pm
  Surfcroc, Viraxor, Collidy, Juan Reina, ItsDuv, damifortune, nitrofurano and Hexer liēkd this
I know some people here have already heard of this program (looking at you, Dami) but I'm passing along the info anyways since I haven't seen a dedicated thread for it yet.

Submissions would probably just be .wtm files, the WaveTracker module format.


If need be I can whip up a Lyceum page on it if there isn't one already.
Level 29 Chipist
post #197075 :: 2024.09.09 4:37pm :: edit 2024.09.09 5:02pm
  DefenseMechanism, retrokid104 and Talen liēkd this
i'm trying to run it on wine or mono, on gnu/linux (ubuntu 24.04) - doesn't run at all - and the same will happen on macos-x for sure - so, i'm totally against the inclusion of this battle format while gnu/linux and macos-x (at least) can't run it (i think i'm not alone...) (this issue is actually mentioned at the faq of its website) (tools made in c# are usually a huge headache because of this)
Level 31 Chipist
post #197076 :: 2024.09.09 4:49pm
  Viraxor, retrokid104, Juan Reina and nitrofurano liēkd this
i would definitely love for the multiplatform issue to be solved but aside from that do really want it to be a format here
Level 29 Chipist
post #197082 :: 2024.09.09 5:15pm
  Viraxor and Juan Reina liēkd this
  SRB2er, arceus413, DuccBoi and kleeder hæitd this
if that eventually happens, i hope being able to make and submit .wtm files made from hexdumps or scripting! xD
Level 24 Chipist
post #197108 :: 2024.09.10 6:37am :: edit 2024.09.10 7:38am
  Viraxor, nitrofurano, retrokid104 and SRB2er liēkd this
Holly molly squiggy's program has been released? So awesome.

I've been waiting for their program to be released since he uploaded their rolling down the street cover using that tracker.

Edit: as an intro, I'd say we host wildchip ohb using this program
Level 10 Chipist
post #197110 :: 2024.09.10 7:48am
@Collidy yeah that could be cool too. If you or someone you know is good at art, that could be something for Future Battles.
Level 20 Chipist
post #197119 :: 2024.09.10 12:31pm
  Viraxor, nitrofurano and Kaytse liēkd this
From the website

"'Will there be Linux and MacOS releases?' Right now WaveTracker is Windows only, but myself and other contributors are working as fast as possible to get WaveTracker to be cross-platform!"

So, we could just wait for that. It's the first line of the FAQ which makes me hope that it's an actual priority
Level 24 Chipist
post #197124 :: 2024.09.10 2:57pm
  doopdee, nitrofurano, SRB2er, lasersphaser, nicole and Collidy liēkd this
there's so much happening with trackers rn. it's getting really interesting
Hi there, I made wavetracker. Yes getting it cross platform is a major priority. Most of the components will actually work cross platform, they aren't tied to windows... but the few parts that are will require some custom implementation of stuff to remove that shackle. IMO think best to hold off on a format until it's actually cross-platform. I can't give a strong estimate of when that will happen since I can only work on it in my free time, but do know that it's at the top of my list!
Level 23 Chipist
post #197132 :: 2024.09.10 9:20pm
  Collidy, Viraxor, nitrofurano, damifortune and SRB2er liēkd this
Wow I just tried it out and so far I love it. Especially very intuitive and easy to pick up as someone that mainly uses Famitracker. I would definitely be happy to see it as a format eventually
Level 23 Chipist
post #197136 :: 2024.09.11 3:46am
  VirtualMan, nitrofurano and retrokid104 liēkd this
you can check the progress of the linux port here
Level 10 Chipist
post #197146 :: 2024.09.11 7:09am
  Collidy, nitrofurano and SRB2er liēkd this
@squiggy whoa, hello! that’s very good to know, I’m glad to hear that the ports are in the works.
I assume the ports are giving trouble because of the necessary rendering software that is required in order to run WaveTracker?
Level 29 Hostist
post #197177 :: 2024.09.11 12:34pm
  Hexer, Dippy, damifortune, DefenseMechanism, nitrofurano, Surfcroc, Collidy, Viraxor, doopdee, lasersphaser, SRB2er and Prestune liēkd this
big ups to squiggy 🎉
Level 7 Playa
Juan Reina
post #197637 :: 2024.09.17 9:18am
Hey squiggy, nice to meet you. My name is Juan reina, and I was wondering would it be possible for you to have screen reader support in the tracker?
I've always wanted to make music in a tracker but could never do it as trackers don't look to have support for accessibility software very well and of the little tracker devs I've tried to work with over the years, they can't or don't have it on the task list for things that they can do at the moment.
If you do want to help me and more future blind and visually disabled people to get into this world of software, I will assure you that I will help how ever I can!
I can make videos of me using the tracker and what I can currently do with it, and also give you help on what I know about accessibility software like screen readers.
Level 20 Chipist
post #197638 :: 2024.09.17 9:40am
@Juan Reina
this may sound like me being a dumbass but how can some software not allow screen reading? can't it just... read the text on screen???
Level 29 Chipist
post #197639 :: 2024.09.17 10:15am :: edit 2024.09.17 10:23am
@Juan Reina please let us know, as far you tried up to now, which trackers, daws and whatever that does and does not support screen readers, and which operating systems are you using - i'm quite curious about - as from what i can understand, screen readers only can read text used from window manager libraries (like gtk, qt, motif, wxwidgets, etc.), and not those rendered as picture (like sdl, opengl, etc.), so i guess there is why you probably can use text readers on some trackers (like openmpt, famitracker, etc.) and not on some other trackers (like furnace, milkytracker, etc.) - actually, i hope such implementation will not affect that future cross platform support, since i only use gnu/linux (mostly) and macos-x (rarely)

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