mBotB - unofficial mobile userstyle for BotB
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 14 Mixist
ever wanted to use BotB on your mobile device of choice, but found navigating the unadaptive website annoying? have a small laptop screen and the site doesn't fit if you have your browser window open on half of the screen? well, have i got the thing for you:


through the magic of userstyles* - essentially bits of CSS that you install with a browser extension - we can make the site do anything we want, so long as the layout allows. the obvious caveat is that `[b[you need to have a mobile browser with extension support[/b] and as far as i know, that's only firefox on android. oh well.

*there is also a userscript to add a html tag that is needed to get the website to scale correctly, otherwise you'd just see the same old desktop layout. desktop users who just need the userscript to make half-size windows fit do not need this userscript. this requires a second browser extension.
**there is also a second optional userstyle that adds the arial black font so that the logo loads correctly, since the font isn't always bundled with all systems.

but if you're lucky enough to be able to use it, and nerdy enough to try:


have fun, and feel free to report bugs here. it's all kinda jank but it Does Work, see screenshots above :D


- the sidebar (with search, recent battles, call to arms etc) is currently completely hidden. i might make it toggleable at some point.
Level 11 Playa
post #197104 :: 2024.09.10 4:02am
  ItsDuv, arceus413, goluigi, RevvoBolt, Viraxor and SRB2er liēkd this
The last time BotB's new dress gave me a boner like this, I was hovering over fresh menus.
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #207132 :: 2025.01.03 5:52am
  uart liēkd this
bump! this looks super cool, reminds me of the mobile botb idea in the construct manifest

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