ChannelF Slezia Trio Rendering Help
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 21 Chipist
post #184564 :: 2024.02.14 9:38am
* makes a channelF tune via Sleizsa Trio in OpenMPT
* realises you need to render to the actual format
* runs .exe and gets .asm
* realises this isnt a .bin


i got Mame cuz i think that's what i need but idk what to do next...
(sorry for these dumb questions, kinda new to all these formats and stuff)
Level 31 Chipist
post #184565 :: 2024.02.14 9:43am :: edit 2024.02.14 9:44am
  SRB2er liēkd this
the readme.txt includes setup instructions for compiling, notably you also need the "dasm macro assembler" for which the link in teh readme is dead but it can be found here

once you have dasm.exe and mame.exe and whatever other files they came with in the same folder, you should just be able to run compile.bat which not only outputs your .bin but fires up mame to play it back and record it to .wav

edit: oh and you need to find the channel F roms somewhere and put them in SleizsaTrio/roms/channelf if you have not already
Level 21 Chipist
post #184567 :: 2024.02.14 10:23am
  damifortune liēkd this
got it to work!

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