Gauging interest in a battle series: SunVox Study Sessions
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 24 Mixist
post #184267 :: 2024.02.10 12:01am
  gau, Lincent, gotoandplay, Xaser, damifortune, anizodotmp3, blockblockblock, cabbage drop, Tex, agargara, Max Chaplin and Collidy liēkd this
, the tracker with a Signalist-flavored instrument editor, is one of my favorite tools, and I'd love to see more SunVox activity on this site, but it occupies an unusual niche and can be intimidating to get started with.

So I'm considering hosting a series of OHBs introducing the capabilities of SunVox a bit at a time, each battle requiring entries to use a particular module or feature and giving introductory tips in the bitpack.

My hope is that such battles would be accessible to people unfamiliar with SunVox, but that they would also be a fun creative prompt and learning opportunity for more experienced users.

Of course, I'm not going to do this unless there's a critical mass of BotBrs interested. So if this does sound like something you'd be interested in, let me know below or through Discord, along with times of the week (UTC) when you usually like to battle.
Level 27 Chipist
post #184269 :: 2024.02.10 12:24am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
I always wanted to get more into Sunvox but never managed to finish a whole track so I love this idea!

My general availability is:
UTC 1200~1500 (JST 2100~0000)
UTC 0100~0700 (JST 1000~1600)
Level 28 XHBist
post #184270 :: 2024.02.10 12:28am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
From Monday to Thursday would be good for me.

Preferably between 7 PM to 11 PM UTC time.
Level 10 Mixist
post #184272 :: 2024.02.10 1:14am
will there be a SunVox OHB battle ?
Level 21 Chipist
post #184273 :: 2024.02.10 2:49am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
sunvox and pixitracker both look intriguing, I'd be down to battle for some knowledge - 7pm-7am UTC is generally open for me, just enjoying my funemployment while it lasts.
Level 31 Chipist
post #184285 :: 2024.02.10 8:49am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
i'll be there if i can!

to be honest, the stuff about sunvox i'm interested in is some of the advanced stuff (destructive/generative effects), but i think that task would feel less intimidating and monolithic if i had more of the basics under my belt, so this would be good for me probably.
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #184318 :: 2024.02.10 9:31pm
  Lasertooth liēkd this
you've gauged my interest

between 8p and 10p utc any day works for me
Level 28 Chipist
post #184339 :: 2024.02.11 7:19am
  Chepaki and Lasertooth liēkd this
I love the idea of a series focused on learning! Would be interested.
Level 6 Chipist
post #184952 :: 2024.02.19 3:18am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
I love SunVox!

Any day is good for me UTC 5PM-10PM.
Level 28 Chipist
post #184953 :: 2024.02.19 3:49am
  Lasertooth and Tex liēkd this
i certainly have it in mind to revisit sunvox sometime this year.
im probably not going to be available for an scheduled ohb but should it appear in a seasonal major, then i have every chance of looking back at any modules that have been made from the series for research!
Level 21 Chipist
post #186246 :: 2024.03.03 11:48pm
what I REALLY want to do, Lasertooth, is join your SunVox sessions, and then shamelessly steal your idea and do a series of VCV Rack OHBs as well. It does seem like a fun method for introducing new people to a format. And everyone gets to create things and rack up badge progress! win win win!
Level 25 Chipist
post #186305 :: 2024.03.05 4:36am
Though I should have said this a long time ago, I would be happy to participate in this session. This would be a huge help to someone who is hesitant to use it at first. I am free at WIB, 16:00–22:00, or UTC, 9:00–15:00.
Level 24 Mixist
post #193275 :: 2024.07.11 10:23am
  blockblockblock and SRB2er liēkd this
Bumping this because I finally have time and brainspace to do it! Anyone else interested & want to share their availability? (I can't meet all the time constraints above, but I can try a few different times and see what works best.)
Level 31 Chipist
post #193276 :: 2024.07.11 12:02pm
i'll do my best to make whatever time work - weekday (american) afternoon and evenings are easiest though
Level 21 Chipist
post #193282 :: 2024.07.11 2:37pm
I'm still into it - tuesdays & wednesdays are best for me, and 7pm-7am UTC is still a good window
Level 21 Chipist
post #193515 :: 2024.07.16 3:29pm
... and of course I overlooked the first one, shit 😅
Level 15 XHBist
post #193517 :: 2024.07.16 3:48pm
im around all day monday wednesday friday saturday sunday 8AM - 2AM EST, 4PM - 2AM on tues and thurs
Level 20 Chipist
post #193518 :: 2024.07.16 3:52pm
afternoon or night EST [so 7-9PM UTC / 1-3AM UTC] is ideal, but i'm often available in the evening / between those times also!

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