completz end: finally released a new album
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 21 Mixist
post #173918 :: 2023.07.24 8:49am
  damifortune, Thingerthing, roz and cabbage drop liēkd this
forgot if it's actually OK to post whole bulletins onto the main page announcing a personal project instead of something site related but i finally feel what it's like to finish an album again, and I'm pretty proud of that
if any of you decide to check this out, i hope you enjoy it, it took me a long while to finish anything like this so yeah! dreamy, surrealistic vibes ahead on this one, with a flair of IDM and post-punk/coldwave

and please don't flame me for posting this here hahaha I'm pretty rusty with this site so blaaah
Level 28 XHBist
post #173936 :: 2023.07.24 5:32pm
  fiv95 liēkd this
Welcome back!

My favorite track from your album is "Untitled Cold". It manages to have a mellow feel in contrast with the loud, but subdued drumkit. Interesting. Fun music to surf the web to. Reminds me of mutagene/Alexis Glass.

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