we may have lost our .org (but maybe its back {or maybe its really gone forever})
BotB Academy Bulletins
Kind of too soon to tell for now. If you're reading this then you already found we're using the .com for the site's domain. The .org domain has been renewed for many years by a dear old friend who lost control over it with whatever registrar. They'd let him pay for the renewal but would not let him transfer ownership to me. I've been holding onto the .com ever since another party let it lapse over a decade ago. It's not as in the spirit of things, but it'll work.
Level 14 Chipist
post #171812 :: 2023.06.09 10:38am
  ItsDuv, Viraxor, doctorn0gloff and mahogany liēkd this
oh dear, i'm so sorry :( i just wanted to let you know that the captcha for registering new accounts is currently broken (i guess it's linked to the .org domain?)--a friend wanted to enter on the charity festival battle but couldn't
Level 22 Mixist
post #171816 :: 2023.06.09 10:48am :: edit 2023.06.11 8:06am
  Viraxor, kinkinkijkin, Lasertooth and mahogany liēkd this
gonna repost some reported issues associated with this event

1. alerts from before the domain change link to .org

2. editing a Lyceum article results in a 500 Internal Server Error when you try to save your work
thank you, Puke!

3. this article is full of .org links:

Viraxor edited these to .com links; thank you for your effort, Viraxor! also TIL you can use relative URLs for pages on the site in firki markup. i have edited the article once more to simply use relative URLs.

4. the captcha for registering new accounts is currently broken
thank you, Puke!

5. [Jangler's] site search is not working
thank you, Jangler!

6. the duckduckgo !botb bang
(search prefix) is broken

7. Recent Battles sidebar sometimes renders with .org images and .org links

8. the Bandcamp
links to .org

thanks slash, dami, kleeder, azurglade, lasertooth, and docnogloff for the first several reports. i will edit this comment as i find more and i'll also try to direct people here.


also, kleeder is aware of breakage with her external tools:
1. https://kleeder.de/files/calendar.php
2. https://kleeder.de/tools/BotBScores/56/

for the curious, she plans to fix them only after we're sure of the new future domain name
Level 23 Chipist
post #171828 :: 2023.06.09 11:13am
For new registration.
It seems to be broken CAPTCHA. New users have been a lot of experience problems
Level 29 Hostist
post #171846 :: 2023.06.09 12:17pm
  kinkinkijkin, birdrun and kleeder liēkd this
captcha should be fixed now but i haven't tested it
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #171921 :: 2023.06.09 4:22pm
  Viraxor, Lia, BubblegumOctopus, kinkinkijkin, birdrun and kleeder liēkd this
ok, who do i have to k*** to reclaim our glorious domaine?
Level 24 Chipist
post #171936 :: 2023.06.09 4:55pm
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
the hall of golden winners article has been fixed
Level 22 Chipist
post #171983 :: 2023.06.09 9:53pm
  a-tiny-pony, Viraxor, 607, mk7, Minerscale, mirageofher, qjesse and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
Pack it in, n00bs, we're a commercial site now. We gotta be all advertiser friendly and make dividends for shareholders (whatever those are).
Level 22 Chipist
post #171985 :: 2023.06.09 9:59pm
  mahogany and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
the links on the "recent battles" sidebar on the main page still leads to the .org
Level 29 Hostist
alright, folks, the recovery fee is $1700

it's a scandalous price but i honestly expected much worse

maybe i should run a gofundme?

...oh and we'd be able to transfer the domain ownership too so this wouldn't happen again
Level 21 Chipist
post #172058 :: 2023.06.10 11:08pm
  mahogany liēkd this
Clicking anything from my alerts redirects me to the .org website :))
Level 28 XHBist
post #172060 :: 2023.06.11 2:27am
  Jangler hæitd this
  mahogany liēkd this
Level 23 Mixist
post #172064 :: 2023.06.11 6:41am
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
AGH! I'll chuck a few bucks your way for the domain back if you post a gofundme my life has been destabilised beyond recognition since the domain changed by three letters.
Level 24 Chipist
post #172067 :: 2023.06.11 7:05am
  kinkinkijkin, VirtualMan and damifortune liēkd this
buyingin it back would give terrible incentive as well as a unearned reward to genuine moflips
Level 31 Chipist
post #172069 :: 2023.06.11 7:11am
  Viraxor, argarak, cabbage drop, kinkinkijkin, pedipanol, DBOYD, mahogany, Jredd and kilowatt64 liēkd this
yeah .. imo $1700 is just an obscene price and the idea of feeding scalpers does rankle me a bit

however if there was a gofundme i would still contribute a bit, i understand there is almost two decades of history under the domain and it carries a certain importance in that way

also - re: the alerts, new ones since the .com transition should say .com
Level 25 Chipist
post #172071 :: 2023.06.11 7:50am
  Viraxor, argarak, cabbage drop and KungFuFurby liēkd this
Woah, I'm late to everything as usual but I just wanted to say how thankful I am that there is at least a back up here. Last I checked alerts also directed me to the .org page as well but it looks like things are being worked on as best as they can.

Really sad that the .org has such a ridiculous price attached to it to get it back. In the meantime just do the best you can everyone and let's be patient. I'm so glad this place isn't gone for good. You guys have no idea. Thank god I actually decided to join discord a while back or I'd have had no idea lol.
Level 10 XHBist
post #172073 :: 2023.06.11 8:59am
Any update on gofundme?
Level 22 Mixist
post #172074 :: 2023.06.11 9:08am
we're still waiting to find out if the friend mentioned in the original post would be able to transfer the domain to puke to ensure this doesn't happen in the future
Level 7 Playa
Juan Reina
post #172076 :: 2023.06.11 9:11am
Dam, I was going to jump at this and start archiving stuff when I saw that the .org had died. I had quickly looked at the discord till I found the .com. If you all want I can put some money your way, but I will really put money if that awesome torrent tracker for botb was back online. Wink wink?
Level 11 Playa
post #172083 :: 2023.06.11 10:18am
  Viraxor, Luigi64 and mahogany liēkd this
Mind if we turn this sad occurrence into an opportunity to learn about history?

Does anyone know who the friend was, and why the friend had the dot-org domain in the first place? 🤔 Did puke7 love the friend? 🥺 Did puke7 write a song about the friend? 😭

Did puke7 title the song about the friend “Your Domain (You Probably Think This Song Is About You)”??? 😠😡😠😡
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #172085 :: 2023.06.11 11:37am
fundraise time!!! ^_^
Level 25 XHBist
post #172086 :: 2023.06.11 12:23pm
i would pitch in!

p.s. alerts for comments etc. link to the old domain.
Level 27 Chipist
post #172102 :: 2023.06.11 6:52pm
You fixed every single one I know of alert-wise except for being gifted boons from a user.
Level 9 Playa
post #172200 :: 2023.06.13 3:35am
  Viraxor and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
What happens if you bid the $69 starting bid for the domain instead of the $1700?
Level 25 Chipist
post #172214 :: 2023.06.13 11:26am
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
Update! Alerts work fine for me now. Nice work guys. :)
Level 27 Chipist
post #172217 :: 2023.06.13 11:51am :: edit 2023.06.13 2:13pm
  Viraxor, kinkinkijkin and puke7 liēkd this
The only alert that still redirects to the .org website (through the user webpage) is...
User gave you b20 and they said "test donation"

From what I'm hearing on the Discord server, apparently it's only older donation messages prior to the .org->.com switchover.

UPDATE: That has been successfully fixed!
Level 23 Chipist
post #172278 :: 2023.06.14 3:36pm
seems like battol images are broken on anywhere that isnt the home page
Level 27 Chipist
post #172284 :: 2023.06.14 8:37pm :: edit 2023.06.14 8:37pm
It's not consistent. In my case, it sometimes happens, and it sometimes doesn't. But contextually, it is in the Recent Battles section.
Level 23 Chipist
post #172289 :: 2023.06.15 1:07am
  KungFuFurby and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
i might not be looking in the right place but it seems like someone else can bid on the domain and its value is estimated to be around $100 with a minimum bid of $69 (nice)

i wonder if someone did that, if they could then transfer the domain ownership to puke
Level 29 Hostist
post #172362 :: 2023.06.15 6:13pm
  Viraxor, kinkinkijkin and argarak liēkd this
my main concern there is the registrar would bid against to artificially raise the price until it reaches what they actually think its worth

but i guess if it actually stays at $100 that would be super

still haven't heard back from the registrar about the ability to transfer ownership after their extortion fee
Level 31 Chipist
post #172441 :: 2023.06.18 8:05am
  kinkinkijkin and puke7 liēkd this
huh, i noticed there were a couple new lyceum edits so i tried to edit Furnace Tracker article and it worked just fine

thinking the 500 issue might've fixed itself somehow, i tried once again to fix XHB series article's links and still got the 500 internal server error, so i guess not all articles are broken for editing after all? and it isn't tied to account like i thought before (since viraxor was able to edit Hall of Golden Winners, and i just tried that too successfully)
Level 9 Playa
post #172456 :: 2023.06.18 8:56pm
@puke7 Well, do they want to get paid or not? They would just scam-bid their way out of a sale.
Level 29 Hostist
post #173149 :: 2023.07.03 5:21pm
  Viraxor, Tathar, YQN, Minerscale, kinkinkijkin, kleeder, damifortune, Tex and cabbage drop liēkd this
i paid for a tool to bulk edit the youtube video descriptions and they should all now point to the .com entry pages
Level 28 Chipist
post #173237 :: 2023.07.05 9:10am
  kinkinkijkin liēkd this
It looks like recent battles links and images still refer to .org, but only from the home page. Does not seem to be the case elsewhere.
Level 32 Chipist
post #173477 :: 2023.07.13 7:38am
  VirtualMan liēkd this
seems like its working for me? huh
Level 29 Hostist
post #173478 :: 2023.07.13 7:45am :: edit 2023.07.13 7:47am
  Viraxor, cabbage drop, VirtualMan, MelonadeM, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
yeah this is really weird
i texted aclone to find out if he did anything
makes no sense if its working without the registrar getting paid

until i get confirmation on what happened y'all might want to be wary on using the .org domain as there might be someone playing an inbetweener and trying to steal login credentials
Level 29 Hostist
post #173489 :: 2023.07.13 10:01am
  Titan of Plasma, cabbage drop, roz, VirtualMan, KungFuFurby, MelonadeM, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
alright i talked to aclone on the phone and got some more details

2015 was the last time the domain lapsed and at that time the registrar was happy to comply with the update; aclone paid for 10 years of domain ownership plus domain locking protection.

Fast forward 8 years and something went awry. The sales person argued that the 10 years expired and there was never domain locking. They asked for $6k and then stepped back to $1700 for us to buy the domain back. From there aclone started sending regular threatening emails using ChatGPT legalese.

Without any contact from the registrar the .org domain is back in service.

There is a good chance that we won a fight here; that no message was received from them about it because the contact info can't be updated due to a lost identity issue (but they'll allow payment for renewal when it's time). There may have been some rogue salesman trying to pull a fast one to make up for missed car payments. I personally wonder if the registrar might be scraping all activity too though.

To top it off, navigating this situation, moving between domains and communicating the issue, has lost me a lot of time and energy that could be focused on feature work. :shrug:

I don't know exactly how important remaining a .org really is. And I'm not 100% sure that using that domain is safe for everyone or how often something like this might happen again. I might start redirecting .org to .com just to be on the safe side.
Level 23 Chipist
post #173494 :: 2023.07.13 11:16am
  roz and puke7 liēkd this
while the amount of time lost to this sales fuckery is definitely unfortunate i did enjoy the variety of jokes that came out of it with the "haha its COMmercial now!! COM not ORG!! Why is there ads now .", i don't know about anyone else tho

re: keeping the org

i mean on the surface there's no real reason to have both, but i think personally, .org is a lot more iconic to the site than .com was just cause that's what it's always been. of course, having both is good in case one of them fails for whichever reason.

if running both is going to be too expensive, i'm willing to donate to help keep them running (i'm already a patron but this site is invaluable to me so i wanna keep it going, willing to up my pledge for that if that'll be the case).

however: if you don't want the hassle of running the .org given this event, then i think just switching to .com (since you own that domain) is fine by my books as the actual important part (the site and its community) are still there
Level 27 Chipist
post #173495 :: 2023.07.13 11:30am
  Viraxor, roz and MelonadeM liēkd this
So the .org situation appears to have been a failed ORGanized scam out of the domain?
Level 25 XHBist
post #173498 :: 2023.07.13 1:09pm
  Chepaki, Viraxor and cabbage drop liēkd this
battleofthebits.net is going for very cheap...
Level 22 Mixist
post #173503 :: 2023.07.13 2:20pm
  cabbage drop and roz liēkd this
roz buys battleofthebits.net as a battle of the bits fan newsletter
Level 31 Chipist
post #173505 :: 2023.07.13 2:59pm
  sleeparrow, Viraxor, mahogany and kleeder liēkd this
you already went through the hassle of transferring a ton of stuff to .com (like the youtube vids for example), might as well just have the .org redirect here to .com for as long as we have it
Level 19 Grafxicist
post #173523 :: 2023.07.14 3:15am
  Viraxor and sethdonut liēkd this
.org is back
Level 32 Chipist
post #173524 :: 2023.07.14 6:10am
  Viraxor, roz and KungFuFurby liēkd this
it wld be rly cool if firki links towards both .com and .org wld behave as non-external links!
rn .org-links break some nice table layouting in lyceum articles etc, and if you want to redirect .org-links to .com anyway, it wld be a smooth thing
Level 9 Playa
post #173544 :: 2023.07.15 3:15pm
  MelonadeM liēkd this
If the concern is whether the registrar would do more shady business, then is switching to a different registrar an option?
Level 23 Chipist
post #173546 :: 2023.07.15 4:24pm
  Viraxor and Tathar liēkd this
iirc, yes; it's a bit complicated, but it's possible.

the problem here is that the org domain isn't under pukes name, its aclone's (who, if i'm assuming correctly, is kind of the cocreator of this site? unsure but they've been here for a LONG time)

i'm fairly sure that you can transfer a domain to someone else, but the other issues is that as puke said, aclone's dealing with a lost identity issue since i'm assuming whatever they used to re-register in 2015 isn't valid anymore and doesn't match these previous details, which the registrar is maybe upset about.

tl;dr: yes but it's a complicated process
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #173580 :: 2023.07.16 2:17pm
  VirtualMan liēkd this
chipchamp you know this is the only acceptable ac/dc
Level 29 Hostist
post #173581 :: 2023.07.16 2:21pm
  Viraxor, Tathar, VirtualMan, jaezu, MelonadeM, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
yeah what Mel said except the lost identity issue even existed in 2015 with that lest renewal -- they allowed the extension but won't allow domain transfer until he can prove he lived at a certain address back in 2005 which is when the site started

aclone hung out while i swore at the cornputer screen because i had no idea what i was doing starting this place -- he also burned a lot of cd-r's that we had at some really early in-person events
Level 19 Mixist
post #173591 :: 2023.07.17 6:07am
  VirtualMan liēkd this
and it's gone again
Level 7 XHBist
post #173598 :: 2023.07.17 11:27am
hi, everything in the spending boons section in https://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/View/boons links to the old domain
Level 31 Chipist
post #173599 :: 2023.07.17 11:51am
  Viraxor liēkd this
updated it and lost pedagogist points 💀

there's bound to be dozens of articles that point to .orgs since the only thing you can easily soft link to (or whatever it's called i forgot) is other lyceum articles
Level 23 Chipist
post #173602 :: 2023.07.17 12:29pm
  jaezu and mirageofher liēkd this
wld like to remind ppl that you can do the redirect on your end via an addon, more informations on this thread https://battleofthebits.com/academy/GroupThread/35195/BotB+.org+to+.com+redirect+via+Redirector+addon/
Level 7 XHBist
post #173631 :: 2023.07.18 4:44am
Level 32 Chipist
post #173632 :: 2023.07.18 4:53am
  Viraxor and jaezu liēkd this
I don't think it makes sense to post every lyceum article with .org links in here now, since we are aware that there are plenty of them.
I believe there are quicker and easier ways to update all of them instead of doing it one by one
Level 32 Chipist
post #173799 :: 2023.07.21 3:21pm
  Kaytse, Viraxor, doctorn0gloff, a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Titan of Plasma, sethdonut, Webriprob, argarak, nu11 and VirtualMan liēkd this
new .org looks sexy

4 easy steps to win
> register > deposit > play > win

i will do this, i will be lvl33 in no time
Level 21 Mixist
post #173825 :: 2023.07.22 10:28am
  Viraxor and roz liēkd this
this is honestly a funnier outcome than i expected. RIP
Level 6 Playa
post #173888 :: 2023.07.23 4:09pm
  Viraxor and roz liēkd this
i for one welcome our new corporate overlords
Level 10 Criticist
post #174148 :: 2023.07.28 3:11pm
IDK if anybody uses Tampermonky... but here's a quick hack that *should* fix up any legacy URLs on here automagically:

Level 29 Hostist
post #174445 :: 2023.08.05 4:05pm
  cabbage drop, Viraxor, MelonadeM, kleeder, roz, VirtualMan and damifortune liēkd this
i've updated the database changing all botb.org's to botb.com's in the follow spaces:

lyceum edits
thread posts
thread titles
entry descriptions
botbr profiles/bios
battle descriptions

let me know if anyone finds any breakages or more places to do the search and replace thing
Level 25 XHBist
post #174459 :: 2023.08.05 5:06pm
  cabbage drop, Viraxor, damifortune and blower5 liēkd this
Level 32 Chipist
post #174468 :: 2023.08.06 12:17am :: edit 2023.08.06 4:52am
did u update homepage links too?
edit: seems to be the case, nvm then
Level 0 n00b
post #174513 :: 2023.08.06 10:33pm :: edit 2023.08.06 11:06pm
as far as duckduckgo (and thus, probably every non-google search engine since they are based on bing) knows, this site (as in, the .com, not the .org) literally does not exist, even when the url is searched directly.

not good. hopefully it fixes itself soon but since we're t+25d or thereabouts since takeover i fear a more drastic approach will be required.
Level 23 Chipist
post #174537 :: 2023.08.07 1:26pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
ive updated all links i have on my stuff to botb to be of the .com variety rather than the .org so im hoping that helps just a little
Level 20 Mixist
post #201601 :: 2024.11.21 10:58pm
  mirageofher, Opilion, nitrofurano, lasersphaser, cabbage drop, ItsDuv, Titan of Plasma and arceus413 liēkd this
the site it redirects to is now blank. there is a glimmer of hope
Registry Expiration: 2025-06-07 18:21:27 UTC
Level 22 Chipist
post #201604 :: 2024.11.21 11:59pm
  dobra, Opilion, cabbage drop, Titan of Plasma, arceus413 and retrokid104 liēkd this
here's to hoping
Level 12 Chipist
post #201793 :: 2024.11.24 12:07pm
The question at that point is who will buy it?
Level 20 Mixist
post #206229 :: 2024.12.29 10:14am
  arceus413, puke7 and Lasertooth liēkd this
if anyone has $1911 to spare, we could have ibet899jago.xyz redirect to botb instead >:]
Level 20 Mixist
post #207467 :: 2025.01.05 6:36pm
  arceus413 and blockblockblock liēkd this
battleofthebits.org has changed once again

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