Play Yuzo Koshiro's Mucom88 in your browser!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 12 Mixist
post #171436 :: 2023.06.02 10:26am
  a-tiny-pony, fusoxide, Beej, VirtualMan, Yung Gotenks, sean, roz and SnugglyBun liēkd this
There was a post previously about MUCOM88, Yuzo Koshiro's open source MML music software ( but at the time there was no English documentation.
Now, not only is there a fair bit of English documentation, but someone managed to make the program run on your browser, even on mobile!

Here it is:

I know nothing about MML and have only been able to program basic things with limited understanding, but maybe this could be introduced as a new format? As the web app can even compile online you could even submit entries as .txt file, drag and drop them into the app and compile?
Level 12 Chipist
post #171557 :: 2023.06.05 1:29am
  MemoryCanyon liēkd this
love to see this! maybe it will give me an excuse to learn MML ;)

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