Test Your Mettle! This one goes out to the Serial Latists

2023-02-17 10:29:56

2023-02-17 12:20:21

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Level 25 XHBist
post #167445 :: 2023.02.16 6:18am
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
Level 8 Playa
post #167457 :: 2023.02.16 7:09am :: edit 2023.02.17 1:02pm
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
Oh cool, a battle just for me~

EDIT: just for fun, here is what the ranking would've looked like without the god-awful penalties.

(Note: that is not to say that any of the entries weren't cool, they're all cool af and I love them, this calculation is just to be precise)

1st (was 6th) - Gaetano96 - LatististDesert - points: Σ33.796
2nd (was 1st) - cabbage drop - desert latist - points: Σ31.195
3rd (was 7th) - roz - WELL WELL WELL - points: Σ31.113
4th (was 4th) - sean - some desert ruins - points: Σ30.964
5th (was 3rd) - kilowatt64 - The Last Great Train Robbery - points: Σ30.185
6th (was 2nd) - Kaytse - Desert Thirsttttttt - points: Σ28.769
7th (was 5th) - nitrofurano - 202302171836 - points: Σ21.240

Basically a completely different ranking. Now imagine this bs but for EVERY BATTLE. It's almost as if the late penalty is a completely unfair feature that needs to be at the very least halved.

At this point, I'd literally always come before others by submitting an almost empty entry, 5 minutes into an 1 hour battle, compared to a carefully crafted piece that's being submitted 5 or 10 minutes late.

At the very least, imo, the battle host should be able decide each time how much the late penalty values (e.g. x1, x0.5, x0.25, etc.).

Lemme know what you think, I'm interested in hearing it.
Level 25 XHBist
post #167530 :: 2023.02.17 2:07pm
  damifortune and kilowatt64 liēkd this
well in this battle we were all encouraged to submit late, so i wouldn't take it as indicative of anything. it's supposed to be a bit of fun, not seriously competitive.

if you want to take as much time as you want on an entry, just enter majors.

At this point, I'd literally always come before others by submitting an almost empty entry, 5 minutes into an 1 hour battle, compared to a carefully crafted piece that's being submitted 5 or 10 minutes late.
while i have a lot of sympathy for you (as a serial latist myself) i gotta say - don't you think other people cut ideas they'd hoped to develop in order to get their entries in on time? everyone would like an extra 10 minutes to polish their work to perfection - but then we'd just have 70-minute battles, and we'd be complaining that they're not 80 minutes.

you may just have to start killing your darlings, or live like me and eat the late penalty every time as the fee you gladly pay for submitting something you're 10% more more satisfied with.

At the very least, imo, the battle host should be able decide each time how much the late penalty values (e.g. x1, x0.5, x0.25, etc.).
battle hosts actually can disable late penalties, at the cost of many boons.
Level 27 Chipist
post #167531 :: 2023.02.17 2:42pm
  Gaetano96, damifortune and roz liēkd this
Yeah in this case, the idea was just for fun since lots of people I think are used to trying to submitting on time (including me). My thought with the bitpack was that it might be fun for me personally to worry less about scoring high enough and more just enjoy the process, and to even the playing field a bit for those who are good with subbing late. I often submit stuff on time, because part of the fun for me is trying for badge progress, and I usually feel like my best chance to get progress there is to sub on time or close to it. I think of things in terms of "if I spend 5 more minutes on it, do I think that extra work could earn me another 5 pts to my average?" And if the answer is maybe not, then I often call it good, unless I'm on the verge of adding some really cool stuff or I'd really like to flesh something out a bit more simply because I really like it. I've actually had a couple of OHBs where I liked an idea enough that I didn't submit to the OHB and instead worked the idea into an entry for a major.

Anyway, I think roz brings up a good point that makes the late points interesting -- the system forces us to make a decision - do we want to publish something more timely in the hopes that it might do a bit better, or work on it a bit and accept the penalty? For me I feel like it helps reinforce a commitment to my ideas, more trust in my instincts, encourages more efficiency in my workflow, and helps me fight against a perfectionist mentality.

Didn't intend this bitpack as a commentary on penalties in general but there ya go. Would be fun to try again sometime! Maybe even with a realllly steep penalty. :)

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