amigamod should be mixist class
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 16 Mixist
post #166920 :: 2023.02.09 3:06am
Hello. I thought that the "amigamod" format should be considered as a mixist class instead of a chipist class.

Mainly because amigamod is based on samples, and also because now, since the limit of amigamod is 256kb, isn't anymore limited to just chip sounds.
Level 32 Chipist
post #166921 :: 2023.02.09 3:49am
  roz, Jimmyoshi, Bravoman and Lincent liēkd this
so u say SPC format shld be mixist too because the chip is sample based?

its still a chip playing the samples
Level 21 Chipist
post #166924 :: 2023.02.09 4:55am
  roz, Jimmyoshi, Bravoman and damifortune liēkd this
I think that only having 4 channels, and a somewhat low max sample rate, imposes a lot of chiptune- like limitations on amigamod. It's fine where it is
Level 24 Chipist
post #166929 :: 2023.02.09 8:34am
  DefenseMechanism liēkd this
Even though multiple channels on the Amiga can be mixed on 4 for the cost of CPU time, the .mod format doesn't do this thing and as such, I would consider it a Chipist format because it uses the barebones limitations and quirks of the PAULA chip. If we had OctaMED as a format, I think that would be closer to a Mixist format because you can do a lot more with it.

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