Level 25 XHBist
post #166198 ::
2023.01.25 2:55am :: edit 2023.02.02 11:15am
algoziptunes, Viraxor, big lumby, kilowatt64, cabbage drop, kleeder, OminPigeonMaster and Lincent liēkd this
algoziptunes, Viraxor, big lumby, kilowatt64, cabbage drop, kleeder, OminPigeonMaster and Lincent liēkd this
hello everybody!!
this new year i set myself a goal: to beat my previous record of 27 entries in a calendar month... well it just so happens that the appropriately 28-day-long february is coming over the hill. all i need to do is average one entry a day for that month!
i'd like to invite any other BotBrs interested in doing lots and lots of battles to join me on my quest :D anyone who submits 28 entries this february* gets a trophy from me on their barracks page, and much BotBr respect. there are no strict rules, it's not supposed to be a formal event or anything, just my excuse to go wild and do as much music making as i can (and rope in a couple of you to do it with me).
p.s. i'll also be hosting a new OHB series to get things going on my end. vote here for whether you'd rather it be NSF+ or allgear.
*ed. to be clear this means you don't have to submit every day, you can miss days and make up on other days.
ed. 2 well this has taken off in a major way, check lumby's thread to keep up with the action!!
this new year i set myself a goal: to beat my previous record of 27 entries in a calendar month... well it just so happens that the appropriately 28-day-long february is coming over the hill. all i need to do is average one entry a day for that month!
i'd like to invite any other BotBrs interested in doing lots and lots of battles to join me on my quest :D anyone who submits 28 entries this february* gets a trophy from me on their barracks page, and much BotBr respect. there are no strict rules, it's not supposed to be a formal event or anything, just my excuse to go wild and do as much music making as i can (and rope in a couple of you to do it with me).
p.s. i'll also be hosting a new OHB series to get things going on my end. vote here for whether you'd rather it be NSF+ or allgear.
*ed. to be clear this means you don't have to submit every day, you can miss days and make up on other days.
ed. 2 well this has taken off in a major way, check lumby's thread to keep up with the action!!