game dev portfolios
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 29 Chipist
post #157072 :: 2022.06.01 12:23pm
  damifortune, cabbage drop and mirageofher liēkd this
i don't know if this thread is redundant here, as we find @sethdonut asking about game dev portfolios at

as i saw some botbrs that love developing, or trying to develop games, what about using this thread for sharing the web links of stuff we were making up to now?

for example, some of the very humble stuff i made can be found at (as mentioned in my own botb profile description)
Level 32 Chipist
post #157076 :: 2022.06.01 1:46pm
  iYamWhatIYam, nitrofurano, postman_sem, OminPigeonMaster, damifortune and Dolce liēkd this
i dont do games, its just not interesting to me. but if anyone wants music composed by me in their game, pls message me. (i am very desperate, pls message me
Level 30 Mixist
post #157086 :: 2022.06.01 6:38pm
  iYamWhatIYam, nitrofurano, argarak and damifortune liēkd this
the last game i did was in the last botb game jam
Level 8 Pixelist
post #157123 :: 2022.06.03 9:02am
  damifortune and nitrofurano liēkd this
i tried to make the same mega man fangame like 3 times and failed
Level 30 Chipist
post #157160 :: 2022.06.03 6:02pm
  nitrofurano and Vav liēkd this
For the most part I have a bunch of game jam stuff I did. some I spent more time on than others.

Boxing: is cool but there is no ai its mostly an art trial for shaded flat stuff with silly movement.

Fruity Flies: also a art demo for isometric flat style. simple whack a mole thing.

Mini Put: is 2d mini golf courses. its completable but runs like shit in the browser so its basically a fancy fail. I think the graphics look neat though. runs nice on the desktop.

Summoner: use your keyboard to make moving abstract art.

the one called "this game is better" is the only one with an ending.

Danger Duck will one day be a complete game gameTM


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