📂 Send in a sample for Sample Pack Contest XVII!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 31 Chipist
post #155066 :: 2022.04.16 7:36am
  father, 02FD, ASIKWUSpulse, Viraxor, svivorim, Jakerson and Corell liēkd this
wow! it's already time for another Sample Pack Contest!

if you've never done SPC, it's very similar to how the "remix" format works here on BotB - we all make music using a community-compiled sample pack as the only sound sources.

everyone can send in up to one (1) audio sample, 8.0 seconds or less in length (.wav format), regardless of whether or not you participate in the rest of the contest. feel free! you, yes you, send me a sample!
the deadline to send in a sample is Friday, April 22 23:59 EDT

you can read the small handful of submission guidelines, as well as learn more about the contest, on the website https://spc.samplemance.rs/
all past contests are listenable on bandcamp too thanks to our founder blitz lunar https://samplepackcontest.bandcamp.com/

everyone will have a couple months to make as many tracks as they want for the contest (tentative deadline July 1st), followed by a 2 week voting period, and then results! it is sure to be a good time

we've had quite a few BotBrs participate in the last few contests, it'd be great to see many of you send in tunes! : )

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