The State of BotB Leadership
BotB Academy News
It's kind of silly I've been compelled to say this, but members of the BotB admin staff have come to me with concerns regarding disinformation about who's in charge around here. 🤣

Come this May, Battle of the Bits will turn 17 years old. I've been in charge this whole time. If I had anything in my life I could call my own child it is this very website. And this website would not continue to be developed if it was not for the community that populates it. There has always been a chicken-and-egg type scenario here.

I am much indebted to the volunteer BotB Admin team (leftenants on the discord) for not only being eyeballs on site activity but also acting as an insulation barrier between myself and the folly of n00bs. This allows me to focus what energy I have on maintaining the site and working on improvements. Big ups to the discord mods who deal with problematic situations too! <3

That being said, I am the only one with access to the server and source code. No major battles or new formats get created unless I do it. That's just the way its always been. Doesn't mean it will always be that way. This website is a long term hobby and it wouldn't be fair to myself or the community (speaking from experience) to try making it my full time job. My career and future are currently in flux, and I literally can not afford to give much more attention here than I am already. I can't respond to every request or idea. All I can do is my best to keep most of the people happy most of the time. :D

It gives me great joy to see the community continue to thrive. I think all I've ever wanted for Battle of the Bits was to be a relaxed and fun place for people to hang out, make art and influence each other to try new things. Thanks to all who mentor n00bs to be better artists and people!

ALL N00BZ!!!

...your benevolent dictator,

Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151431 :: 2022.02.02 1:58pm
  Jakerson, ASIKWUSpulse, Lincent, nitrofurano and puke7 liēkd this
Reading at the title of this news before reading at, made me think that about kleeder being announced as a new SYSOP, in.

Thank you for all the wonderful times and bonds in my life that you have kindly served mediums I have got to experience, via, puke7!
who the FUCK has been saying im not in charge? 😠😠😠
i've said it time and time before, and i'll say it again

had it not been for botb existing, i wouldn't have continued with music or pretty much any creative endeavour, so yanno

thanks. i seriously mean it, both the community for being generally awesome (especially lately, the past year or so) and you for being there to run it, thru thick and thin
Level 24 Chipist
post #151435 :: 2022.02.03 2:02am
  SketchMan3 and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
"discord mods"
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151447 :: 2022.02.03 10:40am
  Gaetano96 liēkd this
A good commumity is! I am yet to witness a chat moderator from, enforcing rules ^^ The "Be nice and cool" Battle of the Bits motto works!
Level 24 Chipist
post #151469 :: 2022.02.03 6:05pm
  mirageofher, sleeparrow, puke7 and MelonadeM liēkd this
this is incorrect. I'm in charge around here
Level 24 Chipist
post #151475 :: 2022.02.04 12:33am
  VirtualMan, mirageofher, sleeparrow, Tilde, OminPigeonMaster, nitrofurano, puke7, Lincent and MelonadeM liēkd this
I'm in charge of adding unnecessary drama every 18 months, where's my fucking badge?
Level 24 Chipist
post #151476 :: 2022.02.04 12:41am
  architect1, mirageofher, Gaetano96, sleeparrow, damifortune, Tilde, cabbage drop, tfx, puke7 and Lincent liēkd this
i've said it time and time before, and i'll say it again

had it not been for botb existing, i wouldn't have continued with music or pretty much any creative endeavour, so yanno

thanks. i seriously mean it, both the community for being generally awesome (especially lately, the past year or so) and you for being there to run it, thru thick and thin

had it not been for botb, i would probably still be making shit music in a shit daw instead or having a blast with trackers maxYMizer, so thanks again .
Level 30 Chipist
post #151488 :: 2022.02.04 10:39am
  mirageofher, Gaetano96, sleeparrow and puke7 liēkd this
yeees puke, keep thinking me and my pigeon army won't soon take control and usurp your power >::::)
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151489 :: 2022.02.04 11:10am
  Gaetano96 and Tilde liēkd this
BotB with all those flags and revels taking over BotBia is insping a nice turn based strategy game concept in my mind
Level 22 Chipist
post #151496 :: 2022.02.04 5:05pm :: edit 2022.02.04 5:06pm
  mirageofher, Gaetano96, damifortune, YQN, puke7 and cabbage drop liēkd this
You're not fooling anyone, puke -- we all know Vombot is really the one in charge here :P

(I kid, I kid. Like everyone else has been saying, thanks for all your hard work in keeping it going )
Level 26 Mixist
"The State of BotB Leadership"

Michigan, if I'm not mistaken.
Level 23 Chipist
post #151608 :: 2022.02.07 4:01am
  mirageofher, Gaetano96, Flaminglog, Tilde and Xaser liēkd this
thanks albert very cool
Level 32 Chipist
post #151609 :: 2022.02.07 5:16am
  mirageofher, Gaetano96, Flaminglog, Xaser and MelonadeM liēkd this
context: [there was a spam post which is now hidden between xaser and mel]
Level 26 Mixist
post #151620 :: 2022.02.07 11:01am
  mirageofher, argarak, Gaetano96, Tilde, Flaminglog, MelonadeM, kleeder and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Welp. Guess I'm Albert now.
Level 24 Chipist
post #151624 :: 2022.02.07 5:14pm
  BestSupport, Xaser, mirageofher, YQN, Gaetano96, nitrofurano, puke7, Tilde and cabbage drop liēkd this
this community is why i started taking music and art more seriously and it would be an understatement to say that this community has drastically impacted the trajectory of my entire life.

i am always going to be indebted to this community and that will always be true regardless of how active i am here. i will always love this website and the people who make it feel like a second home.
Level 27 Chipist
Yung Gotenks
post #151708 :: 2022.02.08 5:16pm
  damifortune, Xaser, mirageofher, puke7 and cabbage drop liēkd this
if i never found botb i definitely wouldn'tve got into composing original music. as others have said here, i owe a lot of to this community. thanks puke!
Level 11 Playa
post #151779 :: 2022.02.09 6:19am
  YQN, cabbage drop, puke7 and Lincent liēkd this
I'm just an oompa loompa in the factory; don't mind me.
Level 24 Mixist
post #151855 :: 2022.02.10 9:31am
  BestSupport, tennisers, emo, egoDripping and MelonadeM liēkd this
Puke is awesome

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