Format request: Furnace
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
As some of you may or may not have heard, there's a new tracker out that's shaping up to dethrone Deflemask. Its called Furnace
, though the name isn't final.

Its still in development and doesn't have all the features from Deflemask just yet, though it can read .dmf modules and export VGM files for systems that the format supports. This is on top of supporting the same systems Deflemask does and more, such as the 2600 and AY-3-8910. There will be more chips coming along the way, and possibly support for more instrument formats.

"Well if its just free Deflemask, why should it be a format?" Simple; multichip songs.

One of the best features this tracker has, imho, is the ability to have multiple systems in one module. Want to make a song with two Game Boys, a Speccy, a 2600, and PC Engine? You can do that.

All in all, this is shaping up to become an absolute beast of a tracker, and I really think it deserves its own format here.
Level 31 Chipist
post #151377 :: 2022.01.31 5:10pm
  Quirby64, nitrofurano, Lincent and cabbage drop liēkd this
woah! if this thing's even half as cool as it's made out to be (or, heck, if it gets to that point), then this is fantastic news : )

crazy multichip capabilities! can't wait to give it a shot!
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151383 :: 2022.01.31 6:51pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
Feature request: Multichip module export to a MAME driver and romset! ^^ A readily approach for to play on hardware sounds wonderful to me! ^w^ Congratulations for progress achieved so far on Furnace!
Level 21 Chipist
post #151385 :: 2022.01.31 7:13pm
  nitrofurano, ViLXDRYAD and mirageofher liēkd this
FYI: There is a Discord.
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151386 :: 2022.01.31 7:37pm
  Tathar, nitrofurano, xterm and cabbage drop liēkd this
As an addendum and comment: I love its project filename extension; .fur!
Level 32 Chipist
post #151388 :: 2022.01.31 8:28pm
  Dolce, Viraxor, YQN, nitrofurano, gotoandplay, mirageofher, 0xb, liveheaven, damifortune and cabbage drop liēkd this
i didnt look into it yet, just read the initial post here BUT

1) damn sounds nice
2) we shld wait until development is a little more progressed before we make it a format i thiiiiiink, because i dont rly want yet another unfinished/partially finished tracker-format on botb, in case development randomly stops on this thing

but its definitely good to keep in mind
Level 32 Chipist
post #151394 :: 2022.02.01 2:09am
  Viraxor, nitrofurano, cabbage drop, damifortune, mirageofher and liveheaven liēkd this
looked into this a little more.
seems very promising.
Level 25 Chipist
post #151397 :: 2022.02.01 6:34am :: edit 2022.02.01 7:54am
  nitrofurano and cabbage drop liēkd this
Yes! A successor to deflemask. Hope it's a smooth transition for deflemask-users.

edit: it is, really looking forward to future less buggy version :D
Level 29 Hostist
post #151401 :: 2022.02.01 9:30am
  Viraxor, nitrofurano and cabbage drop liēkd this
I agree maybe we could wait a bit longer to see the software mature... but this has me wondering: do we need a VGM format?
Level 28 Chipist
post #151405 :: 2022.02.01 10:07am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
.vgm as a broad format sounds interesting, since it'd really be "pick an actual soundchip/chips and go to town".

like, you do end up with some really powerful options that no one has made tools for in the mix too (Saturn SCSP is a 32-channel sampler/FM thing, OPL4 is similarly wild), but you could also just have like four YM2151s hooked up or something if someone made tooling to write VGMs that could do that AFAIK

could be really wild potentially, even if most entries at the start wouldn't be that crazy due to the lack of tooling
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151406 :: 2022.02.01 10:21am
  nitrofurano and puke7 liēkd this
Furnace does support soundchips other than ones by VGM format!
Level 29 Hostist
post #151407 :: 2022.02.01 10:22am
  nitrofurano liēkd this
well, yeah all that, except the spec only allows you to have up to 2 of the same chip -- but given how similar some of the yamaha chips are it could seem like 4+ using the same/similar instrument patches
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151408 :: 2022.02.01 10:25am
  nitrofurano and puke7 liēkd this
Indeed; Furnace supports more numbers of chips of the same type than supported by the VGM format too.
Level 32 Chipist
post #151409 :: 2022.02.01 10:27am
  nitrofurano and damifortune liēkd this
feels like "wildchip, but submit .vgm instead of .mp3" to me. but i dont mind another format heh
Level 28 Chipist
post #151418 :: 2022.02.01 1:31pm :: edit 2022.02.01 1:32pm
  Retro Gracz, Viraxor, nitrofurano and damifortune liēkd this
feels like "wildchip, but submit .vgm instead of .mp3"

I was thinking that, but I do like the fact that it's a logged format vs just a recording, which means you could theoretically (or in some cases, actually) play it back yourself on the chips yourself.

like yeah, if you had a song that used the wonderswan audio hardware and the YM2151, you'd have to go through a LOT of effort to play it back on hardware, but you could
Level 23 Chipist
post #151419 :: 2022.02.01 1:32pm
  cabbage drop, nitrofurano, arthurcrd, kleeder and Luigi64 liēkd this
i spent like 20 minutes with it and holy Fuck
Level 22 Chipist
post #151426 :: 2022.02.02 9:40am
  nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, damifortune and xterm liēkd this
Multi-Chips Party Mix!
Level 8 Chipist
post #153227 :: 2022.03.03 4:38am
  Viraxor, Xaser, puke7, SquareWave, damifortune, nitrofurano and ASIKWUSpulse liēkd this
nooo you cant just dethrone deflema- haha multichip go brrrrrrrrrr
Level 29 Chipist
post #153237 :: 2022.03.03 9:00am
  radian liēkd this
lacks some relevant features (import/export txt files (like from famitracker, vortextracker and openmpt clipboard), full colourscheme edit), but it is indeed a very promising deflemask-killer
Level 29 Hostist
post #153239 :: 2022.03.03 10:22am
  Lincent and nitrofurano liēkd this
so... just so i understand...

Furnace can import deflemask?
has its own file format?
and only exports .vgm?
Level 32 Chipist
post #153240 :: 2022.03.03 10:31am
  radian hæitd this
  nitrofurano liēkd this
...since when are those two "relevant" features lmao
Level 29 Chipist
post #153241 :: 2022.03.03 10:35am :: edit 2022.03.05 8:11am
curious that it has vgm export, and supports systems like amiga, c64 and atari2600 that aren't supported by vgm format - only shows "nothing to export" when our editing song has these non-vgm formats (could be another behaviour since deflemask exports c64 vgm as ay-3-8910 or another chip i can't remember)

it opens and saves in deflemask format - i didn't tested, i think if it saves in deflemask uncompressed format, it might be better than deflemask for saving in deflemask format, besides that it might always save it, when deflemask only saves sometimes (as happened to @kleeder as well)

i'm expedting it will import/export txt format soon, which would be really great

edit: .fur format specification:

@kleeder ergonomics and interoperability! ;)
Level 32 Chipist
post #153250 :: 2022.03.03 12:59pm
  nitrofurano, Lincent and liveheaven liēkd this
work on rom export takes more time, it is planned
Level 22 Chipist
post #153310 :: 2022.03.05 1:25am
  nitrofurano, liveheaven and Lincent liēkd this
IT HAS FM PARAMATER MACROS! I'm so down for this.
Level 29 Chipist
post #153423 :: 2022.03.06 3:32pm
from deflemask i think almost all rom exports have embedded vgm files, from furnace i think wouldnt be that different
Level 22 Chipist
post #153461 :: 2022.03.07 4:07pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
it seems like the export is designed to be modular: meaning anyone can make their own export thing... unless I am mistaken on what tilde was sayin
Level 29 Chipist
post #153478 :: 2022.03.08 7:48am
  skydev and damifortune liēkd this
another cool thing about Furnace: clipboard management is way better than Deflemask: when you select and copy from Furnace, you can paste what you copied on a text editor!!!! and vice versa!!!! just like openmpt!!!! cool!!!!!! :)
Level 29 Chipist
post #153708 :: 2022.03.15 11:38am
and what about the actual deflemask format at botb becoming about deflemask+furnace (named as deflenace, furmask, whatever), so both .dmf (legacy only) and .fur could be accepted?
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #153709 :: 2022.03.15 12:01pm
  nitrofurano and Lincent liēkd this
cooked mask
Level 29 Chipist
post #153864 :: 2022.03.18 11:56am :: edit 2022.03.18 11:57am
it's amazing how furnace is becoming far more stable and featured than deflemask - asking seriously, wouldn't it be a good idea just to rename the actual deflemask format to furnace? xD (and having it .fur as default format, and .dmf as alternative if anyone want to submit songs made on deflemask-legacy there)
Level 29 Hostist
it will be its own format
no reason to ruin legacy formats
Level 25 Chipist
post #154103 :: 2022.03.25 9:51pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
oh also, there would be discrepancies between versions like newer version instrument cant be used on older version so that might be an issue, and theres also people who used the dev build (like me) and will have issues if others are using the stable build.
though 0.6 might be the release that could just throw all of that problem out of the room
Level 9 Chipist
post #154355 :: 2022.03.30 6:24pm
  A64 liēkd this
@A64 the dev builds are publically available, so one can just mention the intended version for the module, it happens when people upload LSDJ saves and whatnot
Level 25 Chipist
post #154361 :: 2022.03.31 1:07am :: edit 2022.03.31 1:09am
@hisa: i know that dev builds are publicly available and you can label the module version, though there could be a situation that you built a version from source and someone had an already built release (that if its a version older), which will cause issue if that person used the built-from-source version to submit a module. and i also cant forget to mention in cases like XHB where every entries are all anonymous to each other unless module version stated in bitpack and/or the song itself.

that said, all those problem could be mitigated with strictly using the stable build for all entries. which limits system and combinations to some extent :( (or just mention the file version in irc or discord, tho that will break the anonymity in XHBs)

EDIT: im also confident you wont be building Furnace from source in an instant unless you have a good machine.
Level 9 Criticist
post #165708 :: 2023.01.13 2:53pm
New year's update: Furnace has reached version 0.6pre3 now, and lots of stuff has been added since I first made this thread. Like, a lot. Here's a rundown of the stuff I think is most notable:

- Dozens of new chips added, some never seen before in a tracker (X1-010, MSM5232, Namco WSG, Virtual Boy VSU, T6W28...)
- Every Famicom expansion chip
- SPC700 support
- OPL3 with 4-operator support
- CSM for FM chips which support it
- ZSM exporter for the Vera chip
- Hundreds of different presets for all sorts of systems (computers, consoles, arcades)
- Wavetable synthesizer
- The ability to use wavetables on Amiga, SPC700 and generic DACs
- Future Composer 1.3 and 1.4 modules can be imported
- Built-in sample editor

...and a bunch more stuff I can't remember off the top of my head.

I know this sounds way too good to be true, but trust me. It's not just real, it's freaking amazing. Tildearrow has been working incredibly hard on this tracker since I first found out about it, and they've made something I never imagined would be possible over a year ago.
Level 31 Chipist
post #165710 :: 2023.01.13 3:10pm
  doctorn0gloff liēkd this
i suspect that furnace's inauguration as a format is basically inevitable! but i wonder about when the right time is to do so. there hasn't really been a point in its development yet where it's in a stable position without lots of new stuff being added to it, and it's sorta compounded by there being 1250410 dev builds along the way that some folks will be using instead of the release build. so, there's a bit of a concern about differences in playback + features.

that said, i'm not sure when that's gonna change; it's been almost a year now! i'm not 100% against just going for it, but the fact that some people will be using dev builds and others not worries me. and there's so long between stable releases
Level 32 Chipist
post #165718 :: 2023.01.13 3:58pm
  Bravoman liēkd this
i wld giv it more time to see what will actually come out of this development-marathon.
maybe another year hehe
Level 24 Chipist
post #165720 :: 2023.01.13 4:01pm
I agree with kleeder, maybe once it gets more traction and is at an established release, it would be wise to revisit this thread.
Level 31 Chipist
post #165730 :: 2023.01.13 4:32pm
  Bravoman and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
in the meantime as a middle ground, we do have the .vgm format here now, which i realize isn't *quite* the same but is still very much something that furnace is uniquely poised to target with e.g. multichipping
Level 24 Mixist
post #165733 :: 2023.01.13 8:05pm
Level 28 Chipist
post #165737 :: 2023.01.14 5:21am :: edit 2023.01.14 5:22am
  Dolce and damifortune liēkd this
Would sure be nice to see sid, gbs, spc, bin, tap and prg exports for the respective formats that are said to be implemented by furnace. Doesn't look like it's high on the priority list since some of the chips have been available to track with for over a year without this in place
Level 21 Chipist
post #165739 :: 2023.01.14 7:45am
  Viraxor, Bravoman, kleeder, Dolce, nitrofurano, MelonadeM, liveheaven, DBOYD and cabbage drop liēkd this
Since this got bumped, let me drop some info I got from lurking on the Furnace Discord.

Soon, Furnace 0.6 will be released - the last update (for a while) that will focus mainly on adding new features. Tildearrow (the developer) is a bit of a perfectionist, so 0.6 will be basically bug-free, and every chip already in Furnace will be more or less "done" once it comes out. This, imo, will make Furnace viable as a BotB format, because it will have reached a sort of feature-completeness. So if you've been waiting to jump into Furnace, do it now! The latest 0.6 prerelease is pretty close to what you'll get in the full release.

Tilde's working plan is that every update after 0.6 will be almost entirely dedicated to adding hardware playback engines. 0.7 will cover C64 and SNES (because Deflesid is awful and the SNES tracking scene is dire). 0.8 will probably be Genesis and maybe PCE. And so on. (This is also a further incentive for Tilde to not mess with the feature set after 0.6.)

This will be a really slow process- partially because Furnace supports so many features (including software synth on basically every wavetable and sample channel!) and partially because Tilde doesn't have much experience writing software for old game consoles, and the list of people with experience who've said they'll help is pretty short. 0.7 might not even come out in 2023!

This is why I think, even though hardware export will be awesome, it doesn't make sense for us to wait for it. Like I said, the feature set of the tracker will basically be locked in after 0.6.

And, I just wanna say that VGM is not really a substitute for a Furnace format, because VGM has a limit on the max chip count, and it doesn't have meme chips like the Pong soundchip. (And because I want to grind for the Furnace badge and make FURNACE THURSDAYS a thing.)
Level 29 Hostist
post #165751 :: 2023.01.14 8:11pm
  Viraxor, SnugglyBun, nitrofurano, Blast_Brothers, gotoandplay, kleeder and liveheaven liēkd this
afaik we've been waiting for v0.6 this whole time :thonk:
Level 23 Mixist
post #172557 :: 2023.06.22 12:59am
6 months later and the full release of v0.6 is still not coming out
Level 23 Chipist
post #172562 :: 2023.06.22 5:29am
  Viraxor, radian, DBOYD and cabbage drop liēkd this
i spent another year and 4 months with it and holy Fuck
Level 21 Chipist
post #172567 :: 2023.06.22 3:14pm
Scope creep has done a number on the likelihood of 0.6 coming out soon. If we're waiting for that, it's going to be a while. Not a ton of work has been made recently on the in-app tutorial, which has become the big feature of 0.6.

The software is still getting updated at an impressive rate - but it's a lot of bugfixes and smaller things. And the latest prerelease build of 0.6 is pretty good from my own experience.

IDK how this affects BotB's plans.
Level 31 Chipist
post #172569 :: 2023.06.22 5:30pm
  Viraxor, Blast_Brothers, MelonadeM and cabbage drop liēkd this
personally i stand by my previous thoughts that it would be best to introduce the format once it's hit a stable version where there isn't going to be a lot more feature creep besides new exports (which would not impact a .fur format anyway)

however again i wouldn't be wholly opposed to welcoming it onboard sooner, it just seems suboptimal since there's so many dev builds and everyone's gonna be on different ones. you'd wanna update before every battle i guess. it would be equally a pain in the ass to mandate usage of the latest non-dev release version too cause there's plenty of people who do grab dev builds and would need to have the release build on standby.

idk it's just messy as a format for now, and it's unfortunate that it seems on track to stay that way for longer since the tool itself is quite a joy to use
Level 23 Chipist
post #172571 :: 2023.06.23 1:58am
  Viraxor, pedipanol and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
Yeah I would personally wait for 0.6 full to be out before, too

While it's mostly bugfixes now and maybe small workflow changes rather than big format or file extension or extra chip updates, devs ARE talking about potentially implementing a few more. These might not be in 0.6 though as they're relatively very complex.

Even when the format does get implemented on BotB, I'd just limit it to whatever the latest release is for simplicity's sake - if the format was to be added NOW, the 0.6 beta 5 that's currently the latest "stable" version would be acceptable, nightly versions shouldn't be imo as they could potentially make use of features that are experimental then removed.
Level 9 Playa
post #176635 :: 2023.09.12 12:49am
Looks like there's a feature freeze for 0.6 as of the past week. Only bug fixes and annoyance fixes until the 0.6 full release.
Level 32 Chipist
post #176636 :: 2023.09.12 12:57am
  Viraxor, damifortune and MelonadeM liēkd this
awesome. only one year left until it's out
Level 23 Chipist
post #176638 :: 2023.09.12 1:48am
  Viraxor, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
to be honest i respect the hustle of not releasing it until it's almost certainly bug-free but i do have to wonder if tildearrow is just TIRED of working on it by this point
Level 13 Playa
post #176645 :: 2023.09.12 8:19am
from what I can see, tilde's more tired of people questioning that decision than anything else
Level 21 Chipist
post #176647 :: 2023.09.12 10:03am :: edit 2023.09.12 10:04am
  Viraxor liēkd this
Tilde is an anti-narcissist. He feels like the only way the product will be "good enough" is if it's feature-complete and bug free. It also really gets under his skin that Deflemask updates are usually underwhelming or half-baked, and wants Furnace to be a counterexample.

He's probably going to drop 0.6 and then immediately jump headfirst into ROM export, because he's crazy like that.
Level 13 Playa
post #176649 :: 2023.09.12 10:06am
  Viraxor, liveheaven, Max Chaplin and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
He has a point in that more often than not FOSS that isn't backed by a team with a budget can be sort of fucky, and he wants his project to be Not That which is admirable

How practicable that is remains to be seen, but honestly it does make me wanna slide a few bucks his way whenever I get the chance
Level 9 Criticist
post #176652 :: 2023.09.12 10:56am
It seems to be a pretty nasty case of perfectionism imo. I really respect their work effort, but at times I fear theyll get burnt out with the amount of commits I see each day. Heck, thats kind of what Ive been thinking as of late with the freeze and all...
Level 21 Chipist
post #176654 :: 2023.09.12 11:28am
He's taken 'breaks' before, but they usually only last a week or so
Level 9 Criticist
post #177467 :: 2023.10.01 10:09pm
  MemoryCanyon, Viraxor, radian and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
Its official, Furnace 0.6 just got released a few minutes ago!
Level 13 Playa
post #177468 :: 2023.10.01 10:12pm
  Viraxor, VirtualMan, radian and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
Level 22 Chipist
post #177469 :: 2023.10.01 10:24pm
  cabbage drop, Viraxor, VirtualMan and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
Level 21 Chipist
post #177476 :: 2023.10.02 5:46am :: edit 2023.10.02 5:53am
  cabbage drop and kilowatt64 liēkd this

Let the Furnace badge grind BEGIN
Level 31 Chipist
post #177477 :: 2023.10.02 6:09am
  cabbage drop and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
pinch me i'm dreaming
Level 21 Chipist
post #177478 :: 2023.10.02 6:13am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Level 23 Mixist
post #177779 :: 2023.10.11 1:42pm
  Viraxor, cabbage drop and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
will there be a Furnace-themed major like how one happened for Deflemask Legacy a long time ago?
Level 32 Chipist
post #177784 :: 2023.10.11 8:40pm
  VirtualMan and MelonadeM liēkd this
only 3 entries allowed
Level 21 Chipist
post #177792 :: 2023.10.12 5:15am
  MelonadeM liēkd this
i do not get the joke
Level 23 Mixist
post #177797 :: 2023.10.12 9:52am :: edit 2023.10.12 9:53am
  VirtualMan and Blast_Brothers liēkd this <- This "major" battle somehow only had 3 entries

and i ruined the joke oops
Level 32 Chipist
post #177810 :: 2023.10.12 9:33pm
  MelonadeM and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
"somehow" -> deflemask is shit, thats how I explain it.

funny funfact, it's 3 entries but only 2 botbrs because sexyelf is a chipchampion alt acc
Level 23 Chipist
post #177823 :: 2023.10.13 3:22pm
  kleeder liēkd this
only 2 botbrs allowed
Level 23 Mixist
post #177941 :: 2023.10.17 2:02am
  cabbage drop, Luigi64, Kaytse, damifortune and MelonadeM liēkd this
only 2 botbrs allowed, no items, fox only, final destination
Level 25 Chipist
post #178119 :: 2023.10.23 2:04am
Much obliged!

Can't wait to have this format in next Winter Chip
Level 32 Chipist
post #178120 :: 2023.10.23 2:08am
  pedipanol liēkd this
feels more like a spring trax format to me, but maybe it will be in the advent calendar, mmh?

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