2 Hour Album Challenge (2HAC) charity event happening Apr. 9th-11th
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 23 Chipist
post #139992 :: 2021.04.07 5:42am
  2a03fox and kleeder liēkd this
Some of you might've heard about this, but for everyone else who didn't:

I'm helping another community host this challenge, think of it like a 2HB but the theme is just a word or a phrase that you can interpret however you want, and there's no voting or rewards.

You still own anything you submit, and there's even a really cool game-jam a bit after the 2HAC itself ends that uses some (or all, if all entrants agree to it) of the music submitted.

You can find a whole lot more info below, like FAQ's and previous challenges/volumes, links to places where you can communicate with others participating, it'll be a grand ol' time! Hope to see you there if you can participate.

If you have any specific questions here I'd be happy to answer them, maybe this is a bit too promote-y but I just wanted to share this really cool event that I've pretty much participated in since it first started (and it's also part of what I've been doing off-botb for the past 3 years hkfdskhjl)

Level 32 Chipist
post #139993 :: 2021.04.07 5:46am
  MelonadeM liēkd this
"to hack" is a great name for this.
hope i can get my work done before this ends because i am teh interested *eyes-emoji*
Level 20 Chipist
post #139994 :: 2021.04.07 5:50am
  MelonadeM liēkd this
Level 26 XHBist
post #139996 :: 2021.04.07 6:09am
  MelonadeM liēkd this
yayyy i do like me some charity events lets go!!!

let's make this an actual 2hb as a cherry on top haha jkjk.... unless?
Level 14 XHBist
post #139997 :: 2021.04.07 6:12am
  MelonadeM liēkd this
The event is a lot of fun! I was part one of the albums. Come join!
Level 23 Chipist
post #139998 :: 2021.04.07 6:12am :: edit 2021.04.07 6:13am
  damifortune liēkd this
@tree hey i dont see why not!

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