collabdongs for tic80 entries can only get codist points
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 32 Chipist
post #122544 :: 2020.06.14 7:20am
  puke7, null1024 and tennisers liēkd this
if you add someone as a collab on a html5 entry, you can choose between Codist, Mixist, Chipist, Grafxist, Hackist, Pixelist and Mappist (which makes sense) but i noticed that this stuff isnt enabled for tic80, but it would make sense since u can do games and people do different tasks as well
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #122550 :: 2020.06.14 11:23am
  Xu liēkd this
Hackist doesn't make sense to me, actually. Wasn't that supposed to be reserved for hacking on botb or botb-related infrastructure?

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