Lyceum Links are ALL fixed now
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 32 Chipist
post #115417 :: 2019.11.07 6:55pm
  TrippleP, Slimeball, pandavova, Strobe, argarak, Xyz, Baron Knoxburry, growley, b00daw and Xu liēkd this
spent the entire day going through every lyceum article (in order), checking every single link manually. i did not bother to fix links to places outside of botb tho

what i did:
- links to articles of category "XXX to be deleted" are now pointing to new official article or are removed
- merged some articles so that no information is lost
- merged forum threads into articles so that everything is at the same place
- fixed formatting issues on some articles for a more consistent look
- deleted recursive links (links that were referring to the exact same article again)
- updating the lyceum front page to make it easier for new users to navigate throught it

there are still some to dos of course, but im actually fucking tired rn after ~12 hours of text editing, will do everything else tomorrow.

if there's anything confusing or fucked up or NOT COOL, pls tell me or fix it yourself. theres also a small chance that i missed a broken link or so, if you find one, fix it.

@puke7: i think its save to delete all articles of category "XXX to be deleted" now, since nothing is linking to it anymore.

Level 10 Criticist
post #115418 :: 2019.11.07 6:56pm :: edit 2019.11.07 6:57pm
  TrippleP, Baron Knoxburry and kleeder liēkd this
🇺🇸Thank you for your service.🇺🇸

Level 19 Chipist
post #115419 :: 2019.11.07 6:58pm
  pandavova, Xu, Baron Knoxburry and kleeder liēkd this
wow... you deserve another badge! actually fuck it you've got enough.
Level 21 Criticist
post #115421 :: 2019.11.07 7:52pm
  kleeder liēkd this
This was an annoying enough task when I went back and edited all my linked sources to be updated to dropbox's newer links.

That must've been a painful 12 hours
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #115423 :: 2019.11.08 6:08am
  TrippleP, pandavova, argarak, kleeder and DCT Master liēkd this
good bot

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