Just a couple suggestions, nothing fancy.
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #12032 :: 2010.02.01 9:17pm
I don't mean to overwhelm you or anything by adding to the list of BotB to-dos, but I have a couple feature requests:

• 32K and 64K tracker module types. I don't know why, it just doesn't feel right without them. I also considered 128K and 256K, but now I think that relaxes things a bit too much.
• Just a bit more special treatment for iPhone OS. Specifically, in terms of listening to compo entries. Since iPhone OS doesn't support Flash, which powers the player, the only way I can listen to a compo entry is by "downloading" the song, since that links to the raw MP3 that Safari is able to play back. This increases the download counter illegitimately. I would make it so that that the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad user agent could be detected, so that when one clicks on the speaker icon for an entry it would just take you to the MP3; making it so that it does not affect and entry's download count. I hope that made sense.

pl0x n thx, mtake ur time
Level 29 Hostist
post #12042 :: 2010.02.02 3:25pm :: edit 2010.02.02 3:25pm
*24k has been doubled to 48k

*the iPhone bit makes sense. Basically, if BotB detects iPhone (or any mobile device?) the 'Listen' button should be missing? As it stands, right now, there are separate buttons for listening and donloading mp3s.
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #12046 :: 2010.02.02 8:16pm :: edit 2010.02.03 5:43am
• Thanks! But could you have the pre-48K entries show up as 24K still? Like, could you keep the 24K format, but just have it inaccessible from now on? This request is a little trivial, I know...

• Well, I'd like to be able to listen to songs here on-the-go (especially since my iPhone won't last forever in terms of storage). I just want be able to tap a listen button that will take me the MP3 right away, without giving me a BotB radio window, and having to donload it. EDIT: I think it should, of course, count as a play.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #12052 :: 2010.02.03 10:07am
* There are enough formats, learns something new.

* Do you mean embed a quicktime player? Or if the mp3 isn't a forced download does iPhone automajikally do that?
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #12054 :: 2010.02.03 4:23pm :: edit 2010.03.10 3:42pm
• Okay. :(

• Well, embedding, though it would work, wouldn't be the most pleasant idea. If the MP3 is a forced download (like how it seems to be working now on with this "Get MP3" button), then Safari won't accept it.

EDIT: So, it'd be nice if the "Get MP3" button was removed when one's viewing via Safari on iPhone OS, and that the listen button linked to a PHP file that'll give the royalty points and stuff and redirect me to the MP3 (I don't know if returning the MP3 Content-Type would work or not).

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