Level 29 Hostist
post #105551 ::
2018.11.23 2:50pm
Savestate, sleeparrow, pandavova, anewuser, Dimeback, Slimeball, DCT Master, Flaminglog, djmaximum, VinCMG, Robyn, Yung Gotenks and kleeder liēkd this
Savestate, sleeparrow, pandavova, anewuser, Dimeback, Slimeball, DCT Master, Flaminglog, djmaximum, VinCMG, Robyn, Yung Gotenks and kleeder liēkd this
I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for almost a full two weeks getting ready for my move from Austin, TX to Detroit, MI. I didn't make the time to move both BotB2 and VomBot to another server. I have to move my home server. The bots will be down most likely until sometime Monday.
-the mngmnt kthnxbai
-the mngmnt kthnxbai