Level 24 Mixist
Cessor Safari
post #101310 ::
2018.06.28 5:03pm :: edit 2018.07.17 11:05am
sleeparrow, chinanewyr, Carajeej, Torowin, Modus Ponens, anewuser, MiDoRi, Sintel and b00daw liēkd this
sleeparrow, chinanewyr, Carajeej, Torowin, Modus Ponens, anewuser, MiDoRi, Sintel and b00daw liēkd this
We need our very own soundfont where every botbr can upload their own custom instrument. This always seemed like a funny idea, and I really want to see it happen.
BotB Soundfont (ver 0.21).sf2
I was thinking we could start by following the GM2 melodic sound parameters. Drums and other fun things could come later.
~~~~~~ RULES ~~~~~~
1. Submit a sample (or samples if you would like for it to be multitrimbral).
2. Specify which category, patch number, bank number, and instrument name from the Wikipedia article posted above.
3. The submitted sample must slightly resemble and/or confine to it's category and instrument name.
4. It's first come, first served. If you dont get the category/patch/bank/name that you want then you can get the next instrument bank number.
5. I will add to soundfont (.sfz?)
~~~~~~ EXAMPLE ~~~~~~
Category: BRASS
Patch: 61
Bank: 1
Name: French Horn 2
Sample: https://goo.gl/SzLDPd
(This sample will forever belong here.
If you want P61_B0_French Horns.wav then it's all yours!)
Questions? Submissions? Suggestions? Comment below!
BotB Soundfont (ver 0.21).sf2
I was thinking we could start by following the GM2 melodic sound parameters. Drums and other fun things could come later.
~~~~~~ RULES ~~~~~~
1. Submit a sample (or samples if you would like for it to be multitrimbral).
2. Specify which category, patch number, bank number, and instrument name from the Wikipedia article posted above.
3. The submitted sample must slightly resemble and/or confine to it's category and instrument name.
4. It's first come, first served. If you dont get the category/patch/bank/name that you want then you can get the next instrument bank number.
5. I will add to soundfont (.sfz?)
~~~~~~ EXAMPLE ~~~~~~
Category: BRASS
Patch: 61
Bank: 1
Name: French Horn 2
Sample: https://goo.gl/SzLDPd
(This sample will forever belong here.
If you want P61_B0_French Horns.wav then it's all yours!)
Questions? Submissions? Suggestions? Comment below!