Level 22 Chipist
post #92054 ::
2017.11.11 3:18pm
MelonadeM, raphaelgoulart, b00daw and Zlew hæitd this
mk7, sethdonut, JINTAKE, anewuser, 10ctagon2, Ktcmoop, Strobe, Kian, pedipanol, Cessor Safari, Zillah, Dimeback, CosmicGem, Bitfox, Minerscale, th4 D34D, chinanewyr, Sinc-X, andres, ViLXDRYAD, Quirby64, RazerBlue6 and MiDoRi liēkd this
MelonadeM, raphaelgoulart, b00daw and Zlew hæitd this
mk7, sethdonut, JINTAKE, anewuser, 10ctagon2, Ktcmoop, Strobe, Kian, pedipanol, Cessor Safari, Zillah, Dimeback, CosmicGem, Bitfox, Minerscale, th4 D34D, chinanewyr, Sinc-X, andres, ViLXDRYAD, Quirby64, RazerBlue6 and MiDoRi liēkd this
I guess I should clear up some stuff first before leaving, ah darnit, I'm a bonehead again ain't I?
...As you might not have guessed by the title, I'm outta BotB, mostly permanently. By that I mean I might still be around once in a blue moon and submit something to a compo, but other than that... yeah.
So, why am I leaving? Is it because I hate the community all of a sudden?
Absolutely not. This is one of the most enchanted communities I've had the pleasure to interact with. I've first joined on January of 2014 I think, via kfaraday's post on the old FT forums, which was advertising Winter Chip 9. I saw this as an opportunity to get to know people with the same interests as me.
And oh boy, did I have fun. I've learnt a LOT of things in just a year. People were very nice, it really felt like a family more than a community; We pulled through the worst and celebrated through the best, it was truly a great time.
I was constantly amazed by what Strobe could pull off from several systems I thought were super weak, even if nowadays I don't really like his style. It really opened my eyes to what was possible. I started playing around with almost every system possible, and I tried to make it my goal to enter EVERY format in WC10. I failed, but I had fun at the very least.
And that's why I'm leaving. I'm not having fun anymore on BotB. I'm blaming it on experience alone, considering how much I've built up.
Back then I've had lots of fun because I didn't know what all those formats were and how they worked, but nowadays I've got too much experience it's not fun anymore.
Think of it like Minecraft. You're having fun the first time around because you're still figuring out everything, but once you've got that sorted out, it's not a fun game anymore. If you want to have fun again, then the best option is to move on to another game.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm moving on with my life. I want to pursue a career as a musician, or less likely as a programmer, so I'm doing just that, and... I honestly can't thank you guys enough for changing and redirecting my life by a tenfold. If it weren't for you I'd probably quit music altogether...
MKSTAR26, Kfaraday, Puke7, Strobe, MovieMovies1, TH3 D34D, Midori, Zlew, Sinc-x, ViLX, Quirby64, gtap, DeltaRazero, Brightentayle, dpc, DimWiddy, Beard, Golgi, JINTAKE, aji, Cessor, amphobius, DBOYD, Apsarah, Ktcmoop, SAVESTATE, pedipanol, MistSomething, adggfjggfafafafa and tons of other botbrs I honestly forgot to include, thanks, from the bottom of my heart.
(This feels like a demoscene's greetz section the more I think about it)
...Enough with the soap opera! This isn't a permanent goodbye of sorts, because if I feel like it I'll enter a compo once in a while! I don't know how long that 'while' would be, but it'd be pretty long. If that while ends up to be forever, then I wish you people the best :)
(and thanks once again to Midori for donating some boons for me to make this thread, I donated all my boons to BotB before logging off).
...As you might not have guessed by the title, I'm outta BotB, mostly permanently. By that I mean I might still be around once in a blue moon and submit something to a compo, but other than that... yeah.
So, why am I leaving? Is it because I hate the community all of a sudden?
Absolutely not. This is one of the most enchanted communities I've had the pleasure to interact with. I've first joined on January of 2014 I think, via kfaraday's post on the old FT forums, which was advertising Winter Chip 9. I saw this as an opportunity to get to know people with the same interests as me.
And oh boy, did I have fun. I've learnt a LOT of things in just a year. People were very nice, it really felt like a family more than a community; We pulled through the worst and celebrated through the best, it was truly a great time.
I was constantly amazed by what Strobe could pull off from several systems I thought were super weak, even if nowadays I don't really like his style. It really opened my eyes to what was possible. I started playing around with almost every system possible, and I tried to make it my goal to enter EVERY format in WC10. I failed, but I had fun at the very least.
And that's why I'm leaving. I'm not having fun anymore on BotB. I'm blaming it on experience alone, considering how much I've built up.
Back then I've had lots of fun because I didn't know what all those formats were and how they worked, but nowadays I've got too much experience it's not fun anymore.
Think of it like Minecraft. You're having fun the first time around because you're still figuring out everything, but once you've got that sorted out, it's not a fun game anymore. If you want to have fun again, then the best option is to move on to another game.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm moving on with my life. I want to pursue a career as a musician, or less likely as a programmer, so I'm doing just that, and... I honestly can't thank you guys enough for changing and redirecting my life by a tenfold. If it weren't for you I'd probably quit music altogether...
MKSTAR26, Kfaraday, Puke7, Strobe, MovieMovies1, TH3 D34D, Midori, Zlew, Sinc-x, ViLX, Quirby64, gtap, DeltaRazero, Brightentayle, dpc, DimWiddy, Beard, Golgi, JINTAKE, aji, Cessor, amphobius, DBOYD, Apsarah, Ktcmoop, SAVESTATE, pedipanol, MistSomething, adggfjggfafafafa and tons of other botbrs I honestly forgot to include, thanks, from the bottom of my heart.
(This feels like a demoscene's greetz section the more I think about it)
...Enough with the soap opera! This isn't a permanent goodbye of sorts, because if I feel like it I'll enter a compo once in a while! I don't know how long that 'while' would be, but it'd be pretty long. If that while ends up to be forever, then I wish you people the best :)
(and thanks once again to Midori for donating some boons for me to make this thread, I donated all my boons to BotB before logging off).