Sleizsa Trio (by utz/irrlicht project) (CHANNEL F!!)
BotB Academy Project Dev
Level 27 Renderist
post #77734 :: 2017.01.30 4:16pm :: edit 2017.01.30 4:22pm
  Robyn, anewuser, n00b, garvalf, Savestate, null1024, TMM12 and Dimeback liēkd this
hey i know we all lovez it hardstylecore!!!!!

our friend utz (irrlicht project) has created a three-channel engine for channelf (format) to FUCK YOUR SKULL as promised.

enjoy the hype over at his soundclud for further details!
Level 21 Chipist
post #77735 :: 2017.01.30 4:23pm
  b00daw liēkd this
Bitchin!!! Gonna have to give this a shot :D
Level 30 Chipist
post #77753 :: 2017.01.30 8:49pm
  b00daw liēkd this
<3 <3 <3
Level 23 Chipist
post #77763 :: 2017.01.31 12:15am
I'm sure it'd be possible to have 4 channels now. Because "Channel F" probably stands for "Channel Four". Good job Utz!
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #77767 :: 2017.01.31 3:19am :: edit 2017.01.31 3:20am
  raphaelgoulart, anewuser, RoccoW, Dimeback, garvalf, n00b and Savestate liēkd this
Ah, I was going to make a proper release thread for this. Well, seems that has already been taken care of :D

Ok, some additional info, then. First of all my apologies again for not releasing this earlier, but I didn't have it ready before Winter Chip and I thought it wouldn't be fair to release it half-way through.

Anyway, so what's new in teh Trio, aside from different sound, third channel and noise mode? Well, first of all, XMs created in OpenMPT should work now. Also, the compile scripts default to using MAME now, since MESS no longer exists as a seperate project. It's still possible to use MESS though, just edit the compile scripts accordingly. Also, the XM converter is now a stand-alone executable rather than a Perl script, so Perl is no longer required (Mac users will need to find a way to compile the converter from source, sorry bout that. If anybody provides a binary I'll gladly include it in the package). Other than that, the procedure is pretty much unchanged - set up MAME/MESS (grab the ROMs from Sleizsa/Sleizsa Duo I guess), compose music using the XM template included in the package, run compile script, done.

If you're missing that 8Khz whine, no prob, just crank up the duty cycle settings in main.asm and you'll have it back in no time :D

garvalf, yes, 4 channels is very likely doable. Also other stuff, like duty cycle envelopes, phasers, etc. But there are two problems with that. 1, we don't have an editor available, yet simulating complex stuff like phasers in XM is pretty much impossible. 2) Afaik MAME still only supports cartridge sizes up to 8KB, so the data format needs to be as compact as possible. That's why I decided against using variable duty cycles in Trio, even though it would have been entirely possible otherwise. Well, I'm not ruling out making a Sleizsa Quattro at some point in the future, but for now I've got some other projects to finish up. Like finishing my new album and getting a new HoustonTracker release done, for instance ;)
Level 22 Chipist
post #77782 :: 2017.01.31 6:52am
So how much channels/different freqs/whatnot can this machine actually do then?
Level 23 Chipist
post #77787 :: 2017.01.31 7:25am
On one computer I could use the linux binary, but on an older one (linux mint 17.3, based on ubuntu 14.04 LTS), I got this error:

./xm2sleizsatrio: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ./xm2sleizsatrio)
./xm2sleizsatrio: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./xm2sleizsatrio)

do you know if it could be possible to release a pure static binary?

I've also tried to compile the binary myself, and I got this error:

g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-no-pie’

So I removed this option, and I got a binary, so I assume it works anyway.

I also couldn't use Mame, it complains there is no channel F system (I've put the roms in a subfolder): mame channelf -rompath roms
But it works fine with mess (some options).

I'm porting my Sleizsa duo tune to Sleizsa trio now.
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #77793 :: 2017.01.31 8:46am :: edit 2017.01.31 8:47am
  garvalf and b00daw liēkd this
RazerBlue6, to put it with the words of the great MISTER BEEP: "The only limitation is the programmer's mind." In other words, pretty much anything goes, but it'll sound increasingly shitty as the number of channels increases. Frequency range could theoretically be extended beyond B-5, but it would increase the song data size. I tried notes below A-0, but the familiar 8KHz whine starts to get pretty noticable at that stage.

garvalf, if you run mame with -rompath roms, the roms need to be in SleizsaTrio/roms/channelf.
-no-pie flag can be safely removed if your g++ defaults to outputting binaries.
As for the errors, I should actually not include a linux binary at all. There's no way of making them work across different systems, I'm afraid. Recompiling is the recommended way to go for Linux users.
Level 23 Pixelist
post #77797 :: 2017.01.31 9:40am :: edit 2017.01.31 9:43am
  b00daw liēkd this
Is this poop crap capable of reproducing PCM by some PWM trickery, for example? I imagine the storage capacity being the biggest issue here, PCM eats lotta space.
Level 27 Renderist
post #77799 :: 2017.01.31 9:43am
Another issue with MAME/MESS is that the pulse waveform from hardware is not properly emulated. We should probably attach a picture/clip of the stock waveforms to MAMEdev team.
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #77806 :: 2017.01.31 1:01pm :: edit 2017.01.31 1:02pm
  MiDoRi liēkd this
MiDoRi, I'm afraid PCM is not feasible, due to the way the sound generator works on this thing. You'd get the same strong parasite tone that Sleizsa Duo suffers from, but even more annoying.

b00daw, I suppose the problem would be to find out what the correct waveform looks like in the first place. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't one need to mod the console with a line-out to get a clean signal? Not sure if we can find anyone who's willing to do that, most of the few existing Channel F's are probably in the hands of collectors, who tend to view any such modifications as heresy. It basically boils down to whether e5frog is willing to do it :o Also, I don't think there's even anyone in the MAMEdev team who maintains the Channel F code. We'd pretty much have to provide the code ourselves, and I'm certainly not enough of a high-level coder to do that.
Level 27 Renderist
post #77807 :: 2017.01.31 3:39pm
  RatShack liēkd this
likely e5frog has the raw information; or we can crudely base the signal off the picture of recorded waveforms either way. it's still a better step into the right direction.

there are a few high-level coder here, provided the proper internal stimulus, who may take initiative. :)
Level 23 Chipist
post #77891 :: 2017.02.01 3:10pm :: edit 2017.02.01 3:12pm
@irrlicht: yeah, the roms are in the right place. I just suppose my Mame version is too old (0.152). Same version for Mess. But as long as I can replay with mess, I don't care.

I've recorded a tune with Sleizsa Trio:
Level 27 Renderist
post #77896 :: 2017.02.01 4:58pm
@garvalf - MAME has taken over as MESS; all MESS code is in MAME. :)
Level 23 Chipist
post #77908 :: 2017.02.01 11:03pm
yes, I see this on their website. On latest Ubuntu / Mint, it's 0.160 while latest Mame is 0.183. So maybe it's an older version before the merge, or on Debian / Ubuntu and such, their kept the projects separated in two binaries, with the same release version.
Level 16 Pedagogist
post #78213 :: 2017.02.06 8:50am
  Savestate, irrlicht project, pigdevil2010 and RazerBlue6 liēkd this
it sure sounds like a squeeling pig getting butchered with som strange arcade tunes in the background :D
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #78253 :: 2017.02.07 2:24am
  Savestate and pigdevil2010 liēkd this
Ahahaha pigdevil2010, massive kudos to you for giving this a try!
Level 28 Chipist
post #93264 :: 2017.12.16 11:15am
  irrlicht project and Savestate liēkd this
timely topical (but not tropical) bump

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