a random botbr encounter irl!
BotB Academy Bulletins
So, the other weekend I was up at my old college for a reunion of sorts, basically a weekend-long party my old dorm has been throwing each year since the 60's. On Friday night I was introduced to a current sophomore from the dorm named Joe. He was nice and welcoming and let me and some of my old alum friends hang out in his room for a while. I ran into him again on Saturday and we got to talk a bit more. He mentioned that he was into writing electronic music, and I shared that I was as well, so we threw on a couple of our respective tracks. He asked if I had a soundcloud, and I said that I didn't really update it, but that all my recent stuff was pretty much on "this website called battle of the bits." He replied, "wait, you're on battle of the bits? What's your username?" "xterm." "Dude... I'm Jophish!" *we collectively make an O_O face at one another for like 5 minutes*

Crazy! Worlds colliding, etc... Turns out we'd ohc'd together like 4-5 years ago. What a small, wonderful world :D \m/

And of course, our obligatory waffle pix (thanks to his skillful use of waffle iron technologies!):

Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #67262 :: 2016.05.11 2:44am
  stinkbug, tothejazz, mootbooxle and xterm liēkd this
making waffle history!!
Level 30 Mixist
post #67265 :: 2016.05.11 3:27am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
That is so cool xterm!
Tell Jophish to get back here!
Level 13 Mixist
Neon Zenith
post #67273 :: 2016.05.11 5:50am
  sean, sc, Sinc-X, Baron Knoxburry, gotoandplay and Savestate liēkd this
Speaking of random IRL BotB encounters, I met Stepfilter about 2 months ago at the Square Sounds chipmusic fest in Melbourne! We had both made tracks for Detroit X that made it onto the album; I made a dubstep track and he made a DnB track (which I recently covered for BotB's Decade).
Level 27 Renderist
post #67274 :: 2016.05.11 6:23am
  Savestate, Sinc-X, Baron Knoxburry and Chip Champion liēkd this
did you have a waffle party in the basement with an old man too?!!
Level 14 Chipist
post #143496 :: 2021.07.03 1:15am :: edit 2021.07.03 1:25am
  Doxic, xterm, mirageofher, OminPigeonMaster, Flaminglog, argarak, sean, tree, big lumby and kleeder liēkd this
hey xterm, how's it goin'?

hangin' out in irc tonight, and someone pointed me to this thread. i had no idea you posted this! what a blast from the past. miss you bud, hope to see you 'round the 'ol stomping grounds soon :)
Level 26 XHBist
post #143499 :: 2021.07.03 4:08am :: edit 2021.07.03 4:09am
  OminPigeonMaster and Flaminglog liēkd this
are you actually named joe :0
Level 21 Criticist
post #143511 :: 2021.07.03 9:22am
  doctorn0gloff, mirageofher, OminPigeonMaster and Flaminglog liēkd this
joe mama
Level 22 Playa
post #143673 :: 2021.07.06 1:34am
  Doxic and sean liēkd this
hey jophish! miss you too. now that things are a little calmed down with the pandemic, I imagine I'll find myself around your area again soon :) if you hear of any upcoming motivators to visit, of course, drop me a line!

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