I got robbed by the patte editor ;-;
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 5 Playa
post #67202 :: 2016.05.10 10:22am :: edit 2016.05.10 12:08pm
The Palette editor just robbed me of 20 boons I need help ;-;
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #67203 :: 2016.05.10 10:43am
I think once you buy a new palette you can edit it and create your own one from there, but you gotta be level 1 (kinda misleading if you can edit it but not save it, there should be a warning in the page). You're close to leveling up though so do moar of teh arts!!!! or get enough playa points

I don't remember if the palette editor takes boons when you buy a new palette, or when you edit one though. I think it's the former.
Level 30 Chipist
post #67205 :: 2016.05.10 11:45am
It's a little buggy too, make sure to read the buggy warning!
Level 28 Chipist
post #67208 :: 2016.05.10 2:30pm
  gotoandplay, Savestate and xterm liēkd this
the palette editor is fickle and spiteful and should under no circumstances be trusted

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