Chip's Challenge Spring Tracks V edition!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #65655 :: 2016.03.26 10:13am
  A-zu-ra, puke7, NARFNra, andres, Savestate, Warlord, goluigi, Lukas Eriksson and Sinc-X liēkd this
greetz to all you nobz! chips challenge is back in full effect. even though it never really went away. but this time there is a fresh post! what is teh challenge? submit to every format, of course!

rules are simple:

+ submit an entry to every format
+ score 20 points or better on each entry

and with this you shall win boons! reviews of all your entries! groupies! eternal youth! other things?

also you should donate to the kickstarter. $$$$$$$$$$

link to the old thread for more infos:'s+Challenge/

it would probably be really confusing if i just bumped that.
Level 22 Mixist
post #65659 :: 2016.03.26 11:56am
  Sinc-X liēkd this
Do I still lose if I submit to all of them but don't get 20+? I really just want a good pat on the back and a job well done.
Level 22 Mixist
post #65660 :: 2016.03.26 11:59am
  Sinc-X and Chip Champion liēkd this
I was hoping this would be related to the old Windows puzzle game :(
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #65664 :: 2016.03.26 12:23pm
  Sinc-X and OrdinateIsDead liēkd this
ordinate you will be forever enshrined in the hall of completionists if you do every format, regardless of score. score is just kind of a loose guideline for boon payout

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