It still seems rather crude around these parts... The faq has been <a href="http://battleofthebits.com/faq.php#uploadsamples">appended with info</a> about Sample Submissions because not only can a BotB player <a href="http://battleofthebits.com/coliseum.php?act=view&forum=3">view samples</a> but they can <b><a href="http://battleofthebits.com/arena.php?act=upload&type=sample">Upload Samples</a></b> as well and thus contribute wellly.
We are also still open to <a href="http://battleofthebits.com/coliseum.php?act=view&thread=2">sample genre ideas</a>. Voting on the samples should come into play soon and followed by a much more versatile 'arena'.
Happy Sampling.
We are also still open to <a href="http://battleofthebits.com/coliseum.php?act=view&thread=2">sample genre ideas</a>. Voting on the samples should come into play soon and followed by a much more versatile 'arena'.
Happy Sampling.