Some other midis of mine
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Chipist
post #64907 :: 2016.03.09 2:19am
  cce, MisaelK, Savestate, JINTAKE, goluigi and Kero liēkd this
I love working with midi files and I thought I would share some of my more recent midis for a Doom project in case people would be interested to listen to them!

I have lots and lots of midis around but these kind of reflect my more recent style of chords/harmony, and they're a bit more interesting to listen to in general than many others of mine.
The last one is actually the one I would have submitted for WCXI (slightly tweaked, of course) if I had run out of time to make another. Ironically it's probably my least experimental of late in many ways - I wonder if writing for BOTB encourages me to kind of play it safe?

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