Fanimecon Panel Crashing! Let's Make Video Game Music!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 26 Mixist
post #57283 :: 2015.05.20 7:01pm
  Goodra, Flaminglog, johnfn, Zaalan3, Cessor Safari, Tilde, raphaelgoulart, KungFuFurby and Savestate liēkd this
So Fanimecon, a local anime convention that I go to, is going to have a panel on Sunday, May 24th at 4PM to 6PM PST regarding the creation of video game music. The description of this panel is as follows:

In this panel attendees will be asked to participate by thinking of video game scenarios or concepts and as a group we will create the music for these ideas. We will see and experience process of composing music for games! Come and share your creativity! We'll also be taking a look into how to create interactive music and how it works.

Who wants to turn my laptop into a box of music for this panel? I will plan on beghasting an allgear OHB at around the aforementioned panel time and see what we can crank out ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ
Level 30 Chipist
post #57284 :: 2015.05.20 7:05pm
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I love this idea! I can only hope they agree to it!
Level 10 Chipist
post #57285 :: 2015.05.20 9:09pm
Shit, I wish I could make it up now =/ I'll deffo try to participate though!
Level 17 Mixist
post #57286 :: 2015.05.20 9:14pm
:DDD This is a great idea. Ill be sure to be online round that time ( around 6pm to 8pm for me so its fine)
Level 24 Pixelist
post #57291 :: 2015.05.21 9:55am
No objections! Let's see if I can remember...
Level 28 Chipist
post #57292 :: 2015.05.21 10:19am
I'm noting this one down too. As long as I can properly recall it myself...
Level 26 Mixist
post #57355 :: 2015.05.23 11:54pm
  Flaminglog and Savestate liēkd this
Sooooo I might be streaming this thingy if there is a way to get internet from the panel room (and a power outlet) :o

You might also get to see me in action with my not-chocolate-moustache self, kinda

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