Displayed Radio Playlist Doesn't Match Actual Playlist
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 24 Chipist
post #55641 :: 2015.04.02 9:19am
This isn't a very serious bug, but I figure I should document it anyway.

This bug seems rare because this is the first time it's ever happened, and I was able to fix it just by refreshing. But what happened was, the displayed playlist was completely different from the playlist that was actually playing, to the point that if I clicked a song from the list, a completely different song would play, but have the same track number. It looks like the radio simultaneously loaded two playlists.

I wish I'd thought to screenshot the bug while it was onscreen, but I refreshed to try to fix the problem before thinking to do so, so I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it.

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