minimodule collaboration experiment
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Chipist
post #55330 :: 2015.03.25 6:26pm :: edit 2015.03.26 8:01am
  JINTAKE, Flaminglog, Cessor Safari, zanzan, goluigi, Baron Knoxburry and aji liēkd this
hello BotBrs and non-BotBrs! i am hosting a musical challenge of a different nature, in phases:

phase 1
make a new 48K module. write for linear no interpolation. there is no sample pack. sad? just grab your favorite samples and instruments from existing modules, and downsample them without mercy. email entries to brandon (swirl) jangler (doink) info by april 8.

phase 2
an archive of the entries to phase 1 will be posted. each participant chooses someone else's entry to revise (let me know which via email). first come, first served. there are no limitations besides those described for phase 1. create and destroy as you wish. submit revised entries by april 22.

phase 3
my cohort(s) and i compile the results into an album of sorts, and put it ~somewhere~. if the album is "good", ~somewhere~ might be a PWYW bandcamp album with all proceeds going to BotB. all participants will receive attribution, but individual tracks will not.

vague artistic instructions
do something that scares you. reject the prosaic and reach outside your comfort zone.

tell your friends, et cetera. there is no need to "sign up". you may submit more than one module. if you do, you commit to revising an equal number of modules in the second phase. openMPT users, make sure your IT modules are compatible with schismtracker!

let's make something cool together! i have the utmost faith that i have no idea what is going to happen.
Level 29 Mixist
post #55331 :: 2015.03.25 7:42pm
  Flaminglog liēkd this
wow this is like swap wow : )
Level 27 chipist
post #55339 :: 2015.03.26 4:50am
  Jangler liēkd this
bed knife
Level 26 Mixist
post #55358 :: 2015.03.26 3:13pm
  anewuser, aji and Jangler liēkd this
Huh, I wasn't 100% sold until I saw the theme was "do something outside your comfort zone." Been a common-ish theme in some BotB discussion as of late so I should probably use this as an excuse to do that, heh. :P
Level 28 Chipist
post #55629 :: 2015.04.01 3:10pm :: edit 2015.04.08 7:41pm
bump, for it been a week and it be a week

edit for archaeologiests: no one submitted anything!

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