
Level 21 Chipist   
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choir ambient empty doge chonky it impulse tracker funky organ moody ethereal renaissance baroque fantasy no percussion scifi militaristic march mood swings hopeful happy nah das finde ic good galgoxcore nice very good chords saw vincore pokey MY atari SAX magical disco emotional midoricore springcore poopcrapcore funk tasty cheesy retro spoops very scary demoscene reversetext angry thunderous catchy anime cat fluffy meows cozy peasant pulse lead very cool a bit jazzy abrubt ending the best russia slavic power great lyrics oldschool rap dog big dog TR-808 REAL hip hop rainbow spectrum so good I die diabetus growling noise rhythm upbeat quick driving big clown addictive creepy pastels nes game pak PCB black green windows 90's microsoft bitmap ball dolphin aesthetic bmp CGI fan sequel lost lands pretty vegetation simplicity shrubbery intro feel good relaxing pleasant nature warm cool fat rockin lobster bossfight medley glitches bassline ominous many dragons doggo doggy yip arf woof bork wan-wan puppy woofer hound mutt furry early c64 lewd hopelessness too lewd groovy noise bursts dog obsessed autism varied changes tempo changes city streets of rage horror glitch lovely day mediumlongcat awesome metal man pwm pitchbend hot air beastly not that basic hype sly sneaky detective investigation jazz roland rolandcore team USA summer shark gameboy theme PETSCII buzz bass chill nice arps vibe sleepless island clop clop whinny neigh pony horse soft muzzle gallop equestrian steeplechase hooves western rodeo enjoyable ear sex good doggo tropical cute very cute kirby friend friends epic trumpet 1st entry horrible nightmare 56 longcatislong friends 6502 snowman religion dragon heads MOS technology the cool club man boobs high council apostles executive board newspaper sports comic pocket billiards pool gambling angry dog bruce lee *squish* cute galgox ballet staccato dance chromatic feline catto kitties kitty heartwarming fight dark botbmon euro swing techno drop the bass magenta fuchsia font pitch bend computer noises short meow skiing snes elvish elven bee valleys adventure capcom melodic the sign frost z sensible reprogram cultic beats aurora cold icy polar wierd blackletter landscape sane melancholy loveable beatstrobe not troll fakeout arps expressive ambition hardpanning ice china merlin soundblaster opl3 bells wine tempo change voyage space detuned arp acorns quest mountains fran flowers farming tractor agriculture spring woodwinds something pixelation pixelated horticulture loud rich synth energetic hyper hypnotic pirate great doodly you been chosen phone classical house sound fx grill barbeque flaming woods sun food reverb forest low res oceanic harmonic monochrome midi piano mu90 yamaha mountain faces stuck volcano fish bounce stroll fields rock and roll fangame thwacktoms smooth rockman blippy man desert bus master lo res detalied hot road duck uncommon majestic (\OuO)/ cuteness tour textworth josephbald art vulgar museum seminar inspiring crunchy bulgarian balkans atmospheric harpsichord bagpipe bass fm distortion hard adorable asterix beauty vinsCool meat flesh cracktro frozen botb MS-DOS lovely colors bright colorful BBS 1 polygon lowpoly evening pizza lively arpeggios punchy bouncy chorus powerful emotion dodecaphony repetetive monophonic random noise pixels tapestry EGA static stockphoto lofi beanie bunny binny hearts clean snow frame sparkles cyan pleasing abstract calm sound effect metal badge small doodle mess scribbles detail friendship moon scene nighttime grass sunlight fox hi-res fur shaggy mellow comfort no faces storybook stars crush bonding pouncing black and white mutants creatures object still life I m hand sketch human text typewriter IBM simple berries trippy aquatic platypus reverse guitar neon synthwave bird birb pigeon go with a smile trending surf noisy arpfest harvester japanese stereo famiclone melodic minor harmonic minor earrape absolutely gimmick gorgeous microtonal cupcake vinegar sour mood

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march defeatistcore militaristic steel drum army FM Birdo Soldiers War tension dx7 steel dram army patriotic horny mysterious adventurous it lofi funky organ slap bass nice loopy baroque Ambiant Panning Relaxing calm mellow 8k.it energetic Boss Fight Dark Big Bass boss battle thumping beat my home stupidum fight bubble bobble bubble fanart logo battle laser DOGGO PET fav2pet convert dog cute doge rare good authentic kefcore galgoxcore kleedercore devedcore botbrcore tildecore goulartcore liacore all n00bs shield n00bs inkscape all n00bz acid MT-32 garvalfcore melancholic moody mood swing woof meander long rave fx dance kffcore sonic advance 2 hardcore furby creepy bass twin peaks loud microwave investigation ym2151 reverb animals woods forest green nature spring scene cartoon anime animation image trends drawing 2000's beautiful paws footprint mud digiart grass flowers badger mushroom text outline gradient amiga renoise rolling plains oldschool xm clubby dissonance collab 909 house fusion fusion dance fusin retro 1990's trending EDM euro af euro trance life delicate dreamy tooty knights impro improv smol classic regal renaissance harpsichord smolcore bouncy jazzy cheerful stroll happy blippy floppy autism autismcore islandcore autistic ??? nes botbrs avatarcore 50% furry I'm naked friends best inspired characters fictional summer people animal magic humans sun sky weather sunny day land bird nerd dragon astonish story furry hd signature orange game video game chipart celebration surprise happiness アニメ love enthusiastic group picture SSB 16-bit many dragons chipix frictional trials of botbrs noobs bark bark bark FDS ROOF bork woofx2 THE BIRD ATTACK OF night moon star c64 death space cool sci-fi movie pixel fire explosion city world face melt heat Lewd hot owo what's this? illegal OwO wag fenrir dogcore god pupper puppers blue leash red 56 nightmare loud buzzy platformer level cat dream tile landscape level design roster character select botbr select yo noob supersmashbotbrs planet street fighter tourney photos lighting hat unicorn titlecore fire hazard photography fedora sign plushie VinsCool Atari ears botb character 1980's vintage technology rock guitar emotion groovy leady drumkit Cracktro wavy animated parallax simple short hate 8k.xm racing fun chill blues spooky quiet medieval scrap paper pencil parchment vellum ^o^ clarinet flop chihuahua bitch black atmospheric melodic ambient techno synthy drop the bass chippy vgm dungeon castle rpg lemmings no_snow mountain_snow random shark training drunkore drunkcore peaceful openmpt dexed rain storm lightning tower sky face vocal mixing vocals driving wii percussive strut fartbass flute vocal flooty arabia desert tent latin arpfest alien bug trees street flat hardpans amigamod detuned hardpanning voice mixing longcatislong stars EGA small cozy tiny Yanya art brute chipstyle crunchy rmt pokey sap basscore final level chiptune mp3 noisecore minor key intimidating very subtle spoopy webcomic uwu unsettling line work sketch village