DCT Master

Level 17 Chipist   
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dreamy bleep bloop cooling evening vibes smooth summertime mellow starry night hectic tense unreal rpg adventure upbeat hyper hype funky magical aggressive journey reminisce feels old school sensual intense adult uncensored fast nostalgic fun adventurous epic fantasy epic fantasy arpeggio drone classical organ celeste strings classic concerto orchestral game chords awesome cool awesome sauce nice happy uptempo arp chirpy cheery joyfull high energy tiny great leadcore groove feel the funk fat snare uwu owo black knight bleep bloop crunchy bass cool lead super lead the groove awesomesauce breakbeat breakbeatz stealcore kleedercore diatonic af loopcore loopy wow 666 horror halloween Crunchy vocoder synth midtempo pulse wave lead guitar hi bumped muscly bodies bread toasty tasty fruits wowzers samosa i'm hungry 24 getinmybelly dry teh hero O_O anime art wtf pale animu murrica! kek car evening scared cute blue black an white scary red car vcr mental trippy robots house bricks chicken black and white grayscale woah greyscale chocolatechip crafts photo pokemon pigeon spoopy slug coffee java aaa wine blurry smug suprised bronze questions ohb sus goggles photography nature trees concrete buildings plushie looney toons bugs monitor cartoon movies fence metal yellow tree cactus plants bars cat birb bird longearislong pear lego plant dog doggo laptop yuck colorful green greencoren cookies green draw sketch gree trip waldo stripes sailing boats abstract boat creepy suits tracker grid tracker confusing chair stool wooden couch sailboat froggy duck frog bottle pika clock time surreal nut vintage dank rare butt potato collage messy chairs pixel milk carton lost botbrs hat books sunglasses glasses ghost overload animated desert sunset aesthetic sun sunrise moon night vav snow penguin small pyramid sunny dessert oasis not so small not pixel what? spoon orange guns gangsta bandana spinning checkers spooning lewd bed meme cover eggman sky birbs toad toadette keyboard race flag gif stickman sad flower heart 56 illegal floating blossoms composition city landscape horizon universe galaxy planet earth wall botbcore book snail storytelling isometric cubes beautiful tower ice cream design sketchy map space snowy

Tags Received

night dreamy chill mellow reaper minibit calm photo tree photography IRL scene place memorial park memory fair trending dead graveyard leafless low_rez grayscale chords atmospheric forest chipstyle cute relaxing cheerful classical strings bubble bobble short aphex twin guitar multiple fonts V white no strings attac italic distortion metal bass joy division loopy blip simple happy pac-man ghosts pacman atari ghosts pac-man blue inspiration video game world santa snow melancholic space sad moody yomarucore piano nice wakemeupinside breaks breakbeat groovy retrigger D&B adventurous tension arps arpfest arpy 1st it mysterious alternate tuning 1st s3xmodit bassline really good percussive drums odd progression bluesy hot dissonance storytelling descriptioncore surf rock sunshine waves ambience sound design noise fun thin shrill high pitched postcard melody ic zelda pling plong stroll voice mixing jungle TIDDY boobs big honkin tits longcatislong wholesome pool blonde thicc big bobs draw over photo woof furrycore angry dog doggy bruce lee fist dog furry digiart warped texture peace abrupt ending Chillin slav squat grass homeboy mspaint spooky beat ps1 slow techno sunvox electro action how2drawmanga perspective fight dark vocoder vocals synthy 4/4 bassy lyrics drugs no render minimalistic s3m long openmpt cloak weed mage cubasis beats liveplay koala sampler leady scroller quiet text beach landscape stoner haiku BronzeDay2024 emotional dragon poem punchy fiction drabble peaceful dramatic heavy chippy