traveling minstrel (aircheck)
  Dec 24th 2024 2:57pm
kilowatt64's Traveling Minstrel K.K. tune, re-imagined with ilkae samples from pistachio island pastiche ohb (plus a toy piano recorded by winnie) - pure .it to match that style, source submitted

advent diary day 24: we made it to the end!! i'll gush more about it later i'm sure, but once again i'm so thankful for everyone who took part, sent in bitpacks/samples, tried new things, showed up for old things, and helped make this the largest battle of all time by an astonishing factor of like 60% increase. i hope everyone had fun and learned a lot - practice is so valuable and sometimes learning some new tool ends up spurring very cool growth, new directions, new ideas... there's a reason this is my favorite event of the year!

merry christmas, luv u all

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petet - wandering winter memories

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Level 27 Chipist
post #205213 :: 2024.12.24 4:01pm
  damifortune liēkd this
I am feeling really fortunate today, you all have made my day something special, and glad I had the time and space to join in advent this year although life is crazy sometimes.

You and Prestune had very different takes on my simple song, and I feel like these are both such good reflections of your individual artistic sensibilities.

This one brings out a really sweet, reflective mood, and the subtle tones are so nice to listen to. Thanks dami!
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #205260 :: 2024.12.24 8:51pm
  damifortune liēkd this
amazing take! this is like straight up idm you'd hear in a movie

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