Level 31 Chipist
Commodore 64

20th Σ5.921

10th Σ6.017

128th Σ5.298

frozen lake 
93rd Σ5.294

hot chocolate in pants 
34th Σ5.763

christmastime is here again
  22nd/441   Σ28.293   Dec 20th 2023 8:01pm
i was gonna write some lyrics for this but all i got is the title as the first lyric of the chorus, and i am tired! so tired! deflemask sure drains all the energy outta ya. luckily the export sounds basically like the module this time around though. some little faux-vinyl stutters are intentional ; )


advent diary day 20:
one day i will stop using deflemask for this format, but it was not today. i didn't have the energy to learn something new for what was honestly an overly ambitious piece to begin with lol. i think i probably could've arranged this better in many other ways than the c64. it even worked better as a piano piece heheh. but so it goes!

previous entry
damifortune - black licorice

nextious entry
amelia - battle against TIAburon!
Level 27 Chipist
post #181335 :: 2023.12.21 7:57am
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
the use of vibrato and pitch slides makes your lead voice much more convincing as a voice, now I wish I had done that! The faux vinyl effect is cool, makes it nostalgic. beautiful wistful melody.
Level 21 Chipist
post #181397 :: 2023.12.22 3:19pm
  cabbage drop, kilowatt64 and damifortune liēkd this
oooh, the vibrato on the lead in the 2nd half just soothes the ears in ways I never thought could be soothed
Like the soft sounds here, really good :)
Level 19 Mixist
post #181609 :: 2023.12.25 5:03pm
  cabbage drop, mirageofher and damifortune liēkd this
The vinyl noises have a "first SNESMod tune" feel to them.

You of all n00bs should honestly dig into GoatTracker! Once you get past the MS-DOS aesthetic it's actually reasonably slick, and if it still really really don't click with it you can just use OpenMPT for all the layout and just import the .MOD.

The learning cliff really only kicks in when you're trying to do filter sweeps or oscillator sync and ringmod effects and toggling instruments in and out on the fly.

Making instruments can be a bit daunting - to paraphrase someone here who was talking about puredata (gee, wish I could remember who...), in Furnace you click new instrument, drag a volume curve, maybe drag a duty cycle or pitch sweep curve, set a loop point or two, kaboom. For GoatTracker you have to point to a block in a communal code table where you manually type out the volume curve or arpeggio in hex.

That said, at the end of the day it's really not too much different from tracker effects. And anyone who can rock a three-sound MIDI challenge like you should have no trouble getting intricate in the wavetable.
Level 31 Chipist
post #181610 :: 2023.12.25 5:06pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
honestly that sounds not too different from NTRQ which i think someone else mentioned when they were trying out the goat. perhaps i'll give it a whirl in winter chip assuming C64 ends up being on the bill there! thanks for the encouragement
Level 28 Mixist
post #181803 :: 2023.12.27 11:54pm
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
i swear i heard the arps pitchbending, what an interesting sound. didnt know it was possible, probably cuz not many ppl do it. now i want more
Level 27 Chipist
post #181823 :: 2023.12.28 11:07am
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
Reallly loved the bends and arps along with the tasty dynamics. This track altogether produces a comfortably familiar while also a bit unexpected sound for the chip :)
Level 21 Chipist
post #181845 :: 2023.12.28 7:33pm
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
oh what a delight, this tone isn't quite what I'm used to from C64! really this is masterful - there's so much variety, and yet it's all coherent, so well-crafted.

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