Level 13 Signalist

cool breeze 
49th Σ5.646

sweaty glasses 
96th Σ5.215

longer days 
16th Σ5.893

brighter mornings 
40th Σ5.653

sun in pants 
61st Σ5.453

Through the Star System
  45th/240   Σ27.860   Jul 25th 2023 4:00am
"You are traveling by the Galaxy, flying through another star system. Your path passes by its planets, asteroid belts and gas clouds, past the Red Giant in the center..."

Play in bytebeat player
- 2020 bytes, 44100Hz

Genre: space ambient. The sequences of notes and chords are generated by arpeggiator algorithm. By changing the coefficients we can get different songs. So I decided to make not one song, but two!

00:00 - "Star System"
03:24 (204s) - "Red Giant"

The output is stereo, better listen with headphones. The code is based on generator from "Steady On Tim, It's Only A Budget Game"
by Gasman.

Also we can change the chords to minor ones, getting a different theme and continuing the journey:

Flying past the Black Hole
- 2020 bytes, bonus track :)

previous entry
blower5 - vs popeyes

nextious entry
Retro Gracz - Across the fields
Level 31 Chipist
post #173955 :: 2023.07.25 6:42am
  cabbage drop and SthephanShi liēkd this
very pretty and full-sounding arpeggios, classic space-vibe chord progression. it's easy on the ears! i kinda wish some drums or other parts came in.. i know this is bytebeat though heheh. it would help make that second song feel unique, or even better (imo) halve the lengths of both and combine them/transition seamlessly with drum (or other) development
Level 13 Signalist
post #173959 :: 2023.07.25 7:13am :: edit 2023.07.25 7:48am
  cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
@damifortune well, I originally planned to write space ambient, like a Stellardrone
. There are no drums, that's the trick of the ambient genre. Meditation, pure immersion in changing and flowing sounds. If I add drums, then the song will have a completely different mood. Thank you for the idea, maybe while there is time before the voting period, I will change the code and upload a drums version here. If it's allowed to do so, of course.
Level 28 Chipist
post #173964 :: 2023.07.25 8:48am
  cabbage drop and SthephanShi liēkd this
Super cool! I could see myself contemplating the stars somewhere quiet with music like this for company.
Level 9 Signalist
post #174053 :: 2023.07.26 5:15pm
  cabbage drop and SthephanShi liēkd this
@StephanShi hi! this is definitely one of the best tracks (at least from you) I've heard. And, to be honest, i only made mine in an hour or two anyway. maybe it'll still get silver but i'm very sure you got this format. hope you're doing well o7
Level 13 Signalist
post #174068 :: 2023.07.27 5:06am
@Chasyx welcome! Glad to see you here and thank you! Oh, are you participating too? Nice, I'll check.

There are legendary guys here, like funute, argarak, raphaelgoulart, Jimmyoshi, Yung Gotenks, kleeder, damifortune. And the bytebeat category has no size limit, so it is traditional in this category to write full music in trackers like Famitracker and convert it to bytebeat. I am not strong in tracker music at all, and there is no chance to compete with it. I'm just participating here to support and popularize the bytebeat format.
Level 8 Chipist
post #174081 :: 2023.07.27 9:42am
  SthephanShi liēkd this
there is no need for it to be that cool.
Level 8 Signalist
post #174082 :: 2023.07.27 9:44am
  SthephanShi liēkd this
Level 13 Mixist
Retro Gracz
post #175963 :: 2023.08.29 3:38pm
  SthephanShi and SquareWave liēkd this
TIM FOLLIN!! (Sounds very Led Storm inspired very cool :DDDDD)

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