da chicken dance descriptioncore descriptive dream EP GOOD idm LONG longcatislong longistcore metaphor minimalism next level oneirophilic soundtrack zebracore
It's the last summer they will be together.
Over the last year, they've grown distant from one another. Yet, hey decide to seize this moment, and return to the world they built together one more time.
Meanwhile, a dark artifact has appeared in the hidden land, a black seed that twists existence about itself. Their once familiar world becomes more distorted with each passing moment...
1. Dreamwalking Preperations - You have to select your destination before coming aboard!
2. A Cool Night - We've arrived, but isn't there something different about the horizon?
3. The Playful Creatures Inhabiting the Plains - Their den is big enough for a person to come inside!
4. The Shadows Multiply - They say this opening has appeared recently. What could be beyond it?
5. Mirrored Garden - Memories solidify and grow here! Maybe they can show us the way through this cavern...
6. The Valley - Do you... remember what happened here?
7. The Blanket of Darkness has Fallen - This place is unrecognizable... What could be causing this? We must leave quickly!
8. Hidden Passages - The halls are cold and full of empty air. When pressed, he turns away with tears in his eyes.
9. The Way - This sacred place has resisted the voidic energy. Memories overflow from the brim of the pool.
10. Black Door - Poisonous whispers whirl about our heads. We steel ourselves and turn the knob.
11. Forcing Through the Shade - Rivulets of dark sludge are seeping out of the passages. We have to swallow our fear and move ahead.
12. The Relic - As a piece of sand becomes a pearl, so the relic known as the Black Seed assumed this form. How could we let this grow between us? When our hands touch, the seed crumbles into dust.
13. Returning - The sun has started to warm the hillsides. Now we have nothing to regret.
I used OpenMPT 1.19.04, no interpolation.
I'll keep a high quality render on dropbox until Summer Chip III is complete: